Sleepy Time – For Calm Mood and Peaceful Sleep

245 customer reviews


Not being able to relax and fall asleep is not fun, no matter how old you are. Whether it’s due to stress and worry, or your kids just can’t calm down before bed, sometimes we all need help getting to sleep. That’s why we made our Sleepy Time Herbal Extract.

Sleepy Time is not a sedative – it is not going to make you fall asleep. What it will do is cause you to have feelings of relaxation and calm which make it easier to fall asleep. It’s the perfect addition to your night time routine!

Key Herbs:

  • Catnip – promotes feelings of calm
  • Skullcap – soothes the nervous system, anti-inflammatory
  • Passionflower – promotes calm mood

ABSOLUTELY NO flavors, colors, added sugars, allergens (corn, soy, gluten, dairy, nuts, egg), or any junk!

*Tested for heavy metals by third-party labs to ensure compliance with strict safety standards.*

Scroll down to read a more in-depth description of the product, ingredients, benefits, FAQ, reviews, and more!

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Not being able to relax and fall asleep is not fun, no matter how old you are. Whether it’s due to stress and worry, or your kids just can’t calm down before bed, sometimes we all need help getting to sleep. That’s why we made our Sleepy Time Herbal Extract.

Sleepy Time is not a sedative – it is not going to make you fall asleep. What it will do is cause you to have feelings of relaxation and calm which make it easier to fall asleep. It’s the perfect addition to your night time routine!

Key Herbs:

  • Catnip – promotes feelings of calm
  • Skullcap – soothes the nervous system, anti-inflammatory
  • Passionflower – promotes calm mood

Don’t love your product? Contact us within 30 days and we’ll refund your money. The best way to reach us is through email at [email protected].


Complete Ingredients:

  • Catnip leaf*
  • Skullcap*
  • Passionflower*
  • Vegetable glycerin*
  • Filtered water

*Certified organic ingredients



Vegetable Glycerin

Filtered Water


  • Ages 1 – 6: 5 – 10 drops
  • Ages 6 – 12: 10 – 20 drops
  • Ages 13+: 30 – 40 drops

Take by mouth about 30 minutes before bed or first thing in the morning for focus/anxiety.


Safe for ages 1+. Talk to your doctor if you have special medical needs, especially if you are on mood-altering or anti-depression/anti-anxiety drugs before use.

Shelf Life: 2 years.

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA, and this product is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure anything.


Q: Is this safe for babies?

A: Sleepy Time is safe for children ages 1 year and up. It is not recommended for babies.

Q: How quickly does Sleepy Time work?

A: Sleepy Time will make you drowsy so it’s easier to fall asleep. It does not make you fall asleep. It does encourage your body to become relaxed and more able to fall asleep naturally.

If you are using this to encourage sleep in your children, please understand that this will not “knock them out.” It will simply encourage relaxation in their body to promote a restful sleep.

Q: Does Sleepy Time contain melatonin?

A: No, Sleepy Time DOES NOT contain melatonin. We suggest reading our guide The Secret to A Good Night’s Sleep for more information on why we do not recommend using synthetic melatonin for sleep.

If you are using this to encourage sleep in your children, please understand that this will not “knock them out.” It will simply encourage relaxation in their body to promote a restful sleep.

Q: I gave this to my child and now they are really hyper, what’s happening?

A: Approximately 10% of the population finds catnip to cause their systems to be excited rather than calmed. If you are worried that might be you or your children, give a few drops in the morning and see how they respond. If they are not overly excited, they are probably not reactive to catnip and it will be calming for them.

245 reviews for Sleepy Time – For Calm Mood and Peaceful Sleep

  1. Teresa Esterline (verified owner)

    I’ve been having a hard time falling asleep the past 6 months or more and was taking OTC melatonin or a sleep aid. Since using Sleepy Time I fall asleep quickly and stay asleep. I take it a half an hour before bedtime and it works wonderfully.

  2. Allyson Betz (verified owner)

    Oh my goodness, my husband and I both take this nightly. He suffers from incredibly bad insomnia but this helps! I always feel calmer after taking it and we don’t let ourselves run out.

  3. Deanna (verified owner)

    This product saved me! My son was a terrible sleeper from day 1. He nursed all night basically until I had to wean him at 2.5. Even still he coslept and tossed and turned all night and refused to sleep on his own. Finally at 8yo I tried this and a new routine in his OWN bed. And it worked he started sleeping through the night in his own bed for the first time in 8 years. And mom finally got a full nights sleep too! He only needed this for about 2 months and then the new routine was set and he stayed in his room and slept all night from then on. He’s 12 now and I just wished I’d found this sooner!

  4. Jamie (verified owner)

    Love this stuff! Helps my brain shut off so I can sleep normally. It’s also a lifesaver in my 3rd trimester when I’m not sleeping as well, it gives me longer stretches of good sleep!

  5. Gina (verified owner)

    Love these drops. My daughter has a hard time calming her body down before bed and this can last for multiple hours. Since using these drops she goes to bed so much better.

  6. marykmele (verified owner)

    Sleepy Time worked the first time and every other time I’ve used this product. I take it right before getting into bed…I use it when I’m coming off (activity w/o a lot of wind-down time)…and/or if I really need to fall asleep right away! I can almost ‘feel’ my shoulders begin to droop and I begin to melt into the covers. Fully recommend this product!

  7. Karen Bakula (verified owner)

    Live Sleepy Time love to be able to sleep! This has helped me so much. Thank you Earthley for making this product.

  8. Lauren Burrows (verified owner)

    I have struggled with sleep for years. I have tried everything and was looking for a better and safer option that I could take every night. This did the trick and I’ve been falling asleep so much more easily and when I do wake up I’m able to roll back over and drift back off. I’m so glad I found this!

  9. Elizabeth Biggs (verified owner)

    We use this nightly for our kids and notice a significant difference in their ability to calm down and relax for bedtime!

  10. Christine K. Hager (verified owner)

    My son literally gets so excited holding his mouth open for his “sleepy oil” now. My husband and I started giving it to him when our most recent baby was born and our oldest was going through a sleep regression. After trying it he began sleeping through the night again with ease and no fussing anymore. We are so grateful!

  11. nlj3299 (verified owner)

    I have been using the Sleepy Time product for the past three weeks. It helps me to fall asleep however sometimes I can only sleep for a couple of hours and then I’m awake again. I have wondered if I should take another dose at that time or if it would be better to double my dose when I first go to bed. I like that it is helping most of the time .
    I must admit, it tastes terrible . I just swallow it quickly and then take a quick drink of water!!

  12. nlj3299 (verified owner)

    I have been using the Sleepy Time product for the past three weeks. It helps me to fall asleep however sometimes I can only sleep for a couple of hours and then I’m awake again. I have wondered if I should take another dose at that time or if it would be better to double my dose when I first go to bed. I like that it is helping most of the time .
    I must admit, it tastes terrible . I just swallow it quickly and then take a quick drink of water!!

    • Emilie Cubino (verified owner)

      Try adding our Good Night Lotion to your night time routine and see if it helps you sleep through the night. You may also need liver support. We’d recommend our Liver Love tincture. 🙂

  13. F Gorham (verified owner)

    I will never go without this now that I have found it! I used to use melatonin in addition to magnesium and vitamin D. I hated the way the melatonin made me feel groggy in the morning. I saw this product on a page of an influencer I follow and thought I would try it. I have slept through the night ever since I tried it for the first time. There are no after effects when I wake up. I wake up feeling refreshed and now get about 7-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep a night! After taking it at night, I am usualky asleep within 30 minutes. I LOVE that it is a natural product and that it works every night. I cannot recommend this product enough.

  14. Chrimson (verified owner)

    Absolutely love this stuff! I was taking a cbn gummy from another company and while it worked really well it kept me so groggy the next day. This tincture doesn’t do that and in fact i don’t find myself asleep out of nowhere. I can feel myself getting tired and can put my book down and after about two minutes after turning the lights off I’m asleep. Takes around 30 minutes to start working but I can stay awake for about an hour before it really kicks in for me. I wake up so alert the next morning without any icky feelings. I wish this were a tea blend. I know you can add this into tea, but I would love to by this as an actual tea

  15. Kathy

    I love this tincture! I purchased a smaller bottle to try it out and could tell such a difference that when I finished it I bought the larger bottle asap! I try to take it about an hour before I go to bed and I can tell that it calms me down and I start getting relaxed. It tastes great too! I will continue to buy this because it has made such a difference in me being able to fall asleep.

  16. Emily (verified owner)

    We love this in combination with the magnesium lotion! The perfect bedtime combo for my two young girls.

  17. Emily (verified owner)

    We love this in combination with the magnesium lotion! The perfect bedtime combo for my two young girls.

  18. Nikki Kallevig (verified owner)

    We used to use melatonin regularly for my 5 year old as he always had trouble calming down to sleep. This has been a god send. We give it to him as the start of our bedtime routine and by the time we have read books and brushed teeth he is now ready for bed! Amazing that we no longer spend an hour getting him to relax. Plus, he loves the taste so that’s an extra win!

  19. Holly (verified owner)

    Our family is in love with sleepy time tincture. My grand babies are not waking in the middle of the night anymore and yet they only take a few drops. My husband, who has blood cancer, no longer wakes up multiple times a night. He is getting better sleep and does not require pharmaceuticals to get there. This is now my favorite tincture! Cheers to good sleep for the entire household. Did I mention my autistic son who struggles like crazy to sleep well. Yep, it helped him too.

  20. Marcia Conley (verified owner)

    I love the idea of using this however I had a bout of A Fib and it was the longest one I have ever had after using this. Had a funny feeling in my head. Guess this product is not for me. But love the other products!

    • Emilie Cubino (verified owner)

      We are sorry to hear that this didn’t work for you. Please see our return policy. Please speak with your provider before taking a tincture if you have underlying conditions.

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