20 Natural Tips for More Energy

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It’s a tired, tired world out there. We’re being pushed to do more, see more, be more. It’s exhausting! The energy drink market has grown by 10% in the last 3 years, and the use of melatonin has more than doubled in the last 20 years. Yikes.

It’s clear we’re searching for more energy anywhere we can get it. Energy drinks, coffee, and sleep aides like melatonin may help temporarily, but they don’t always have the cleanest ingredients and can sometimes harm if overused.

Now what? Do we just stumble around life overcaffeinated and under-rested?

We all want a little more energy, so we compiled a list of 20 Tips for More Energy Naturally. Most are so simple that you can start them right now!

  1. Make sure you’re eating enough. Diet culture has so many of us thinking we need to eat less. Our bodies are designed to be fueled by whole foods with proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. Focus on the quality of the food more than the amount or the calories.
  2. Get enough iron. Iron is crucial to energy production. It's part of hemoglobin, a protein that takes the oxygen we breathe and delivers it to our cells all over the body. This is an energizing process. When our body doesn’t have enough iron, our cells run low on oxygen. Iron supplements don’t cut it for many people because they are made in a way that is hard for the body to use. Wholefoods to the rescue once again. Beef, eggs, and oysters are all great food sources of iron. Earthley also has an herbal iron supplement, Energy Plus, to make getting bioavailable iron easy.
  3. Exercise. This may sound counterintuitive, but how will this give me energy if I don’t have the energy? But it’s true! You don’t have to run a marathon or bench press 200 lbs to start feeling the effects of exercise. A 20-minute gentle yoga sequence or a walk after lunch can leave you feeling more energized.
  4. Eat food that fuels your body. Blood sugar spikes can leave us feeling wired and then tired. We’re up one minute and crashing the next. Everyone’s body is slightly different, but if you feel tired consistently after a meal every day, that might mean something. If it’s a meal high in carbohydrates, for example, oatmeal for breakfast, maybe you should try a higher protein/fat breakfast and see how you feel.
  5. Get enough B vitamins. The energy drink market honed in on this. B vitamins are water-soluble, so manufacturers don’t have a problem adding them in copious amounts to things like energy drinks. Unfortunately, they use synthetic vitamins, which aren’t always easy for the body to use. If you want the energy that B vitamins offer in a bioavailable form, check out Earthley’s Greens Powder.
  6. It’s okay to say no. This may not sound like an energy tip, but trust us, it is. Doing too much can drain your physical and mental energy.
  7. Stay hydrated. Surprisingly, simply drinking water and staying hydrated don’t go hand in hand. Our body also needs electrolytes to hydrate at a cellular level. You could feel fatigued if you are short on electrolytes (potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium).
  8. Laugh. How easy is this? Laughter helps boost endorphins in the body. It also increases circulation and decreases stress hormones. So, find more ways to laugh every day.
  9. Find things that bring you joy. This one is kind of like laughing. Maybe it’s a book, a picture, or even a splash of color in the kitchen. Find ways to surround yourself with things that you enjoy.
  10. Don’t forget about protein! Protein is a micronutrient, which means the body needs large amounts of it to function daily. Without it, we can tired or wiped out after a workout.
  11. Stress less. Easier said than done for most of us. However, being aware of our stress response is the first step in stressing less. If you are quick to worry, anger, or fear when something stressful happens, try to slow down and figure out why. Thankfully, nature also has ways of helping us stress less. There are relaxing herbs like lavender and chamomile. You can use them in teas, candles, or essential oils to help you feel more relaxed. There are also adaptogenic herbs. These are flexible herbs that help you based on your body's needs. They support the immune system, the nervous system, and everyday health. You can find adaptogenic herbs in Earthley’s Adaptogenic Immunity Tincture. You can also learn more strategies in Earthley’s Stress Less Guide.
  12. Cut back on sugar. Sugar gives the body a short spurt of energy fast, which causes blood sugar to rise. After a short amount of time, it crashes, leaving us feeling fatigued. Limiting sugar is one way to mitigate this. Another is to add protein to the sugar; this will provide more long-term energy once the sugar runs out. A last way to help juggle blood sugar is to take a walk after a meal.
  13. Soak up the morning light. This is another easy one! Sunlight on your skin and in your eyes is great for your circadian rhythm. Early morning light helps tell your body, “Hey, the sun is out, let’s get stuff done!” It may also help you sleep better at night.
  14. Cut back on caffeine. Much like sugar, caffeine makes many people feel like they have energy, and then it quickly takes it away. If you find yourself crashing hard after a few too many cups of coffee, you might want to scale back and see how you feel. You may even enjoy some alternate morning drinks.
  15. Napping is a-okay! Good news! 15-30 minute cat naps can be energizing! It’s just enough time to give your body the break it needs. Anything longer than 30 minutes can leave you groggy, so keep an eye on that.
  16. Just breathe. Staying alive 101 is to breathe, but how we breathe can influence our energy. Some religions think you breathe your body’s vital energy. Belly breathing is one way to change the way you breathe.
  17. Get enough sleep. Our bodies do best when we are properly balanced between rest and energy exerted. If we’re putting out a lot of energy every day but not resting or getting enough sleep, we can feel fatigued and run down. The average adult needs between 7 and 9 hours of sleep. If you’re looking for a way to feel more relaxed before bed, Earthley’s Sleepy Time tincture is formulated with calming and relaxing herbs. These herbs support natural sleep rhythms. We also have our top-selling Good Night Lotion and our guide The Secret to a Good Night's Sleep that you may find helpful!
  18. Alcohol and sleep don’t mix. Alcohol can help you feel relaxed at the end of the day, but it has an effect on your sleep cycle-it can reduce your melatonin production by up to 20%!
  19. Don’t forget about your friends! Charging your social battery is essential. If you’ve found yourself stuck at home with an adult or friend to talk to, make time to be social. Try a call or video chat if you can’t leave the house. You might be surprised by how energized you feel afterward. If you are looking for some like-minded friends, consider joining one of our groups, Modern Alternative Mamas! or Earthley Fans.
  20. Slow down on the multitasking. This one might be hard for many of us to admit, but multitasking can wear down the brain. Our brain is very expensive (in terms of calories and nutrients) to run, and when we’re trying to do 7 things at once all day long, we can burn our brains out. Think of it like a computer or a cellphone; if too many tabs or apps are open, the machine starts to slow down. Your brain is the same.

A little bit can go a long way when it comes to energy. Natural health doesn’t have to be complicated. To learn more about natural health and Earthley’s mission, subscribe to our newsletter or follow up on Facebook and Instagram!