Sleepy Time – For Calm Mood and Peaceful Sleep

245 customer reviews


Not being able to relax and fall asleep is not fun, no matter how old you are. Whether it’s due to stress and worry, or your kids just can’t calm down before bed, sometimes we all need help getting to sleep. That’s why we made our Sleepy Time Herbal Extract.

Sleepy Time is not a sedative – it is not going to make you fall asleep. What it will do is cause you to have feelings of relaxation and calm which make it easier to fall asleep. It’s the perfect addition to your night time routine!

Key Herbs:

  • Catnip – promotes feelings of calm
  • Skullcap – soothes the nervous system, anti-inflammatory
  • Passionflower – promotes calm mood

ABSOLUTELY NO flavors, colors, added sugars, allergens (corn, soy, gluten, dairy, nuts, egg), or any junk!

*Tested for heavy metals by third-party labs to ensure compliance with strict safety standards.*

Scroll down to read a more in-depth description of the product, ingredients, benefits, FAQ, reviews, and more!

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Not being able to relax and fall asleep is not fun, no matter how old you are. Whether it’s due to stress and worry, or your kids just can’t calm down before bed, sometimes we all need help getting to sleep. That’s why we made our Sleepy Time Herbal Extract.

Sleepy Time is not a sedative – it is not going to make you fall asleep. What it will do is cause you to have feelings of relaxation and calm which make it easier to fall asleep. It’s the perfect addition to your night time routine!

Key Herbs:

  • Catnip – promotes feelings of calm
  • Skullcap – soothes the nervous system, anti-inflammatory
  • Passionflower – promotes calm mood

Don’t love your product? Contact us within 30 days and we’ll refund your money. The best way to reach us is through email at [email protected].


Complete Ingredients:

  • Catnip leaf*
  • Skullcap*
  • Passionflower*
  • Vegetable glycerin*
  • Filtered water

*Certified organic ingredients



Vegetable Glycerin

Filtered Water


  • Ages 1 – 6: 5 – 10 drops
  • Ages 6 – 12: 10 – 20 drops
  • Ages 13+: 30 – 40 drops

Take by mouth about 30 minutes before bed or first thing in the morning for focus/anxiety.


Safe for ages 1+. Talk to your doctor if you have special medical needs, especially if you are on mood-altering or anti-depression/anti-anxiety drugs before use.

Shelf Life: 2 years.

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA, and this product is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure anything.


Q: Is this safe for babies?

A: Sleepy Time is safe for children ages 1 year and up. It is not recommended for babies.

Q: How quickly does Sleepy Time work?

A: Sleepy Time will make you drowsy so it’s easier to fall asleep. It does not make you fall asleep. It does encourage your body to become relaxed and more able to fall asleep naturally.

If you are using this to encourage sleep in your children, please understand that this will not “knock them out.” It will simply encourage relaxation in their body to promote a restful sleep.

Q: Does Sleepy Time contain melatonin?

A: No, Sleepy Time DOES NOT contain melatonin. We suggest reading our guide The Secret to A Good Night’s Sleep for more information on why we do not recommend using synthetic melatonin for sleep.

If you are using this to encourage sleep in your children, please understand that this will not “knock them out.” It will simply encourage relaxation in their body to promote a restful sleep.

Q: I gave this to my child and now they are really hyper, what’s happening?

A: Approximately 10% of the population finds catnip to cause their systems to be excited rather than calmed. If you are worried that might be you or your children, give a few drops in the morning and see how they respond. If they are not overly excited, they are probably not reactive to catnip and it will be calming for them.

245 reviews for Sleepy Time – For Calm Mood and Peaceful Sleep

  1. Lindsay DeYoung (verified owner)

    Swear by it, look forward to taking it, take it religiously every night. It tastes good, and it’s an enjoyable habit to make! I know I’m more relaxed when I drop it in before bed.

  2. sw20 (verified owner)

    Bought this for my husband, who has a really hard time falling asleep, staying asleep, and getting a restful sleep. This stuff has worked wonders! He has tried everything in the book it seems, he was even taking a high dose of melantonin that didn’t help. Thanks to Earthley he is now getting to sleep faster and waking up well rested.

  3. Amanda Ramos (verified owner)

    These drops have literally saved me. My daughter wasn’t sleeping through the night she’d wake up in the middle of the night for 1-3 hrs every night and Would still wake up early in the morning. I was exhausted and I didn’t know what to do anymore. I found these drops and starting using them along with the bed time lotion. Within 2 nights my daughter started sleeping COMPLETELY through the night. I was so happy I could cry. I make sure I don’t ever run out of these drops. These are a must in my house. Thank you so much Earthley!!

  4. Rebecca Ayers (verified owner)

    I waited far too long to try this! I kept thinking I didn’t really need it because my toddlers already sleep well, as well as I. But then my husband started working nightshift and was struggling bad to sleep during the day. So I bought this for him. He said it worked well most of the time, but he was also so tired when he got home that he’d forget to take it (he’s off nights now, thank God). But then I decided to let my 3-year-old try it. Annnd that’s how this became one of my favorite Earthley products! He always slept through the night but would wake up super early, no matter what time he went to bed. And after a couple nights of taking this, he regularly sleeps 1-2 hours longer! And if I forget for a couple nights in a row, then he starts waking up super early again. It doesn’t help my 1-year-old as much, but there are some mornings when she’ll sleep in longer than normal when I give this to her consistently.

  5. Emme Kingery

    I use this for my three children because they struggle with sleep. My five and three year old take this and are out within 15 minutes max, which is a huge difference from the 2+ hours it would take to get them to fall asleep. My 23 month old does not react well to it, in that it seems to cause her to wake up more than usual, and keep her awake, so we stopped giving it to her but continued using the magnesium rub and she is sleeping for more than two hours at a time now (she was up every 45 minutes while taking sleepy time), so that’s the only reason I am not giving it a five star, but I will still recommend this to my family to use with their littles.

  6. GEtz (verified owner)

    Love this for myself and my 5 year old. He thinks it tastes good most of the time so usually he can just take it straight without any juice or “chaser.” Combined with the good night lotion and it makes a nice bedtime routine.

  7. Katie (verified owner)

    Just recieved this… With very high hopes… And the verdict is… It works!! I have been very stressed lately so I tried it right away. It definitely brought an immediate sense of calming it I felt WAY less tense. I gave it too the little one as she reached over tired mode.. And: she slept through the night..!! I can honestly say she has only slept through the night maybe 4 times ever, after long days on the lake usually. Will keep using this to promote calm, peaceful nights in the house.. Hopefully it continues to work!

  8. Stephanie Jantz (verified owner)

    This stuff works great on me and my daughter. I love it for myself more.

  9. Lauren Anslow (verified owner)

    I use sleepy time when my kids need a little extra help getting to sleep! Thank you Earthley!

  10. Amanda (verified owner)

    I call this “liquid sleep”!!!! My 2 year old sometimes will be so wound up and can’t fall asleep easily. Every time we remember to use this, after giving him a couple drops, he calms down and falls asleep right away!!!! I use it when my mind is running at night, and I can’t seem to fall asleep easily. I feel safe using it instead of other options as I use so little at a time, and it’s all organic herbs!

  11. Faith Nevarez (verified owner)

    My husband and I LOVE THIS! I ordered because I have pregnancy insomnia and very vivid nightmares. And my husband has been dealing with a lot of stress, causing him to have trouble sleeping and then when he does, he gets nightmares. We have been taking this for two weeks, we now fall to sleep so much faster, and stay asleep! I mentioned to my husband that I hadn’t been having nightmares and he realized he hasn’t either. We highly recommend this!

  12. Jadegetzcena (verified owner)

    Hands down, this is a MUST!
    I had insomnia and this with the goodnight lotion has completely solved that issue! I love that I can just close my eyes and go to sleep when I WANT to now. And it doesn’t make you feel groggy or drugged up!

  13. Brenda (verified owner)

    Doesn’t taste great but it’s tolerable, again this product hasn’t improved my sleep issues at all. I was very hopeful

  14. Rebecca S (verified owner)

    I got this to try for my twins and I honeslty didn’t expect much, but since the first time using it, it has dramatically helped them calm down to go to sleep, and then stay soundly asleep! We love this stuff and they ask for it every night!

  15. Jessica (verified owner)

    At first I didn’t think it was helping but after a few days it was helping. I either take it alone or I take it with my chamomile tea. I will definitely be ordering it again. And I will tell others who have problems sleeping about this too.

  16. Kassandra (verified owner)

    I currently take half the adult dose to fall asleep faster. The full dose makes me groggy in the morning and maybe because I’m petite. Anyway, this works as stated and I recommend to those who need a more sound nights rest.

  17. Beth (verified owner)

    This is not a “knock-out” formula. I’ve found that it helps relax me without drugging me, if that makes sense. My husband was reluctant to try it. I think he was concerned it would make him unable to function or drug him to sleep. He was pleasantly surprised that it helped him go to sleep without the drugged “hangover” that some other sleep remedies produce.

  18. Margot (verified owner)

    Another must have! I pair this with Good Night Lotion and fall asleep easily and quickly and tend too stay asleep much better now! A lifesaver!

  19. Jennifer Metevier (verified owner)

    Love this stuff! It helps me sleep and the big bottle honestly lasts me a really long time. Very comparably priced to the many supplements (like melatonin pills) that you may need otherwise.

  20. Misti Chuang (verified owner)

    I bought this to help my 3 yr old with some sleep issues we’d been having. She was waking multiple times a night and then struggling to get back to sleep. After a few days of regularly supplementing her with this at night I started to notice less waking and more restful sleep for her. I now also take this most nights before bed and I really believe it helps me to relax and sleep better as well. Our whole family is finally becoming more rested and having better attitudes during the day. Of course there are many different things that can contribute to restful sleep, but this has truly been a key for us!

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