Feel Better Fast – For Pain, Fever, Stomach, Sniffles, and More

1399 customer reviews
Earthley Awards Earthley Awards


Minor illnesses are a part of life.  We all experience headaches, fevers, upset stomachs, sniffles, and more at some point!  But when you — or your little one — don’t feel well, who has time to search for the “best” natural remedy for each symptom?

Now you don’t have to!  Feel Better Fast is designed to gently help you feel better no matter what’s going on.  It’s a catch-all starting place to simplify using a natural remedy without endless research.  Unlike conventional remedies that suppress and “hide” symptoms (which can prolong illness), Feel Better Fast supports your body’s natural immune system so that it works more efficiently, and you return to normal…fast!  This alcohol-free formula tastes great and is safe for the whole family, 6 months+.

Key Herbs:

Feel Better Fast is the “go-to” remedy for just about anything!

ABSOLUTELY NO colors, flavors (natural or artificial), preservatives, added sugar, sodium benzoate, citric acid, acetaminophen, ibuprofen, top allergens (corn, soy, nuts, gluten, dairy, fish) or other junk!

*Tested for heavy metals by third-party labs to ensure compliance with strict safety standards.*

Scroll down to read a more in-depth description of the product, ingredients, benefits, FAQ, reviews, and more!

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Feel Better Fast combines five herbs to help support the immune system, reduce inflammation, and settle upset tummies. Unlike conventional medicines that suppress symptoms and fight against the body, our herbal tincture gently works with it to ease symptoms and allow the body to work through the illness naturally. Don’t suffer – recover quickly and healthily with Feel Better Fast! 

Shelf stable for 2 years, Feel Better Fast is perfect to have on hand for whenever the need arises. No drowsiness, nausea, or other unpleasant side effects. Safe for ages 6 months+, It’s a must-have for the whole family! 


  • Naturally supports fevers
  • Promotes immune health
  • Soothes upset tummies
  • Helps with minor pain
  • Helps to ease congestion
  • Supports respiratory health
  • Anti-inflammatory properties
  • Anti-viral properties
  • Anti-bacterial properties

Don’t love your product? Contact us within 30 days and we’ll refund your money. The best way to reach us is through email at [email protected].


Complete ingredients:

  • Echinacea Angustifolia root*
  • Fennel seed*
  • Astragalus root*
  • Elder flower*
  • Cinnamon*
  • Vegetable glycerin*
  • Filtered water

*Certified organic ingredients




Astragalus Root

Fennel Seed



  • Ages 6 months – 6 years: 2 – 5 drops
  • Ages 7 yr – 12 yr: 5 – 10 drops
  • Ages 13 yr+: 10 – 20 drops

*The 8 oz droppers pull up more volume than the smaller droppers. Approximately half of the 8 oz dropper is equal to a full dropper in the smaller sizes. Dose accordingly.

Taken orally. Can be added to tea, juice, or smoothie if that is preferred. If the first dose is not effective, more can be given after 15 – 20 minutes. Can be taken every 4 hours or as needed.


Safe for ages 6 mo+. Safe for use in pregnancy and breastfeeding.

*Use with caution if you are on blood pressure, blood clotting, or blood thinning medications, or if you have diabetes or an auto-immune disease. (Elderflower and cinnamon could be an issue with those things, but the risk is very small.)

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA, and this product is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure anything.


Q: Is this similar to acetaminophen ("Tylenol") or ibuprofen?

A: It can be used in a similar way, to help with minor pain or keep fever balanced (it won’t get rid of the fever, but may help the body from driving it too high).  But it does not work in the same way, by blocking pain.  Instead, it works with your body to help you get better.



Q: How often can I use this?

A: As needed.  Take one dose, and if there is no change in 15 – 20 minutes, take another.  Continue use every 3 – 4 hours until you are well again!  And, see below…using “too much” is not a concern, so if you need or want to take more than suggested, go ahead!


Q: Who is this for?  Who can use it?

A: This is for everyone 6 months+.  Infants, children, and adults — including pregnant and nursing women — can all use this.


Q: What if my child takes too much?  Is it dangerous?

A: Unlike OTC remedies, the herbs in this formula are not dangerous, even at high doses.  Your child could drink the bottle and there is no concern about toxicity!


Q: Can I use it alongside Tylenol or another conventional remedy?

A: With any OTC, yes.  We cannot advise on prescription drug interactions; please consult a doctor.  However, you may not need to use both!  We recommend starting with this alone (no OTCs) to see how you or your child feels.  Give it 15 – 20 minutes and follow up with other remedies if needed.


Q: Plants don't seem 'strong enough' to replace the remedies I'm used to.  Does this really work?

A: Yes!  Plants are a lot more powerful than you may know.  There are lots of studies about what they can do in our bodies.  Give this a try and see for yourself how well it works!  (And don’t forget to read the reviews!)

1399 reviews for Feel Better Fast – For Pain, Fever, Stomach, Sniffles, and More

  1. Kristina Miller

    My hubby calls this “get better quick” haha! I love having this on hand for when we aren’t feeling well. Even my 4 year old takes this! It has a great taste although I do water it down because it can be a bit strong. We use it for headaches, tummy aches, body aches, etc. It’s a great product to always have on hand!

  2. wmdm (verified owner)

    Used this one evening on a cruise after a not so delightful meal and instant relief! So thankful I took this with me! Never take it out of my purse now.

  3. Jade Tjader (verified owner)

    Love this! We take if if we are starting to have sore throat or feeling sick and keeps us feeling better. Have used it when my daughter has a tummy issue and it seems to help.

  4. Misti Chuang (verified owner)

    I got the small bottle to try it out, and after a couple rounds of sickness in my kids, I will be ordering again in the large size! It definitely seemed to help my 3 year old rest much more comfortably even with no appetite and a fever. She also recovered faster than other people I know of who were dealing with similar illness.

  5. Sarah (verified owner)

    I have used this twice now and am amazed. My 5 year old was complaining her belly hurt, gave her drops before bed and she slept fine and woke up no complaints. When she had a really bad cold we took it twice 2 days in a row and her symptoms and whines dramatically improved each day, when a cold normally lasts us well over a week!

  6. Smiller (verified owner)

    This is amazing! I have used this a few times for my boys and every time, it enables their little bodies to wipe out whatever is coming at them in no time!

  7. cenelsonjohnson (verified owner)

    I want to love this product! However, as of right now, I have not seen it help as much as I thought it would. It could be that we are not taking enough, though. Hoping to feel the effects more as we use it more!

  8. rsuk12 (verified owner)

    This is a staple for my family when someone comes down with any kind of illness. Love that your body is still able to fight off Illnesses as it was meant to do!

  9. bethanyseto (verified owner)

    Shortly after receiving this item, I felt the classic symptoms of a cold developing. I took “Feel Better fast” a few times that day and the cold never developed! I have also given it to my son at the first sign of a runny nose, which has gone away and doesn’t develop into anything more. Like other reviewers have said – it tastes yummy!

  10. yasminrpeterson (verified owner)

    This stuff is great! I haven’t been sick in forever and when I felt a little bit of something comin on, I took half a dropper every couple hours throughout the day and never felt another symptom! It also works AMAZING for teething babies when paired with Teeth Tamer. I have my daughter some when she was having a really rough day, within 15 minutes she was calmed and was able to fall asleep and stay asleep. Thank you!!!

  11. Kassandra (verified owner)

    My family is almost never sick so I was oddly excited when my stomach ache prompted me to quickly take some “Feel Better Fast”. Within minutes I could tell a reduction of bloating and after 30 minutes I was no longer feeling icky. A must to have in my “medicine” cabinet.

  12. Lauren (verified owner)

    LOVE this product!!! It tastes amazing and works so well. It even helped with motion sickness which I always get in the car. Highly recommend.

  13. Lindsay McAnallen (verified owner)

    This stuff WORKS!! My 3 year old son woke up throwing up one night. He threw up twice within an hour and then I remembered I had ‘Feel Better Fast’ in the cupboard. I gave him about 5-6 drops. He fell asleep 30 minutes later and woke up that morning as normal as can be!! I was shocked at how fast it worked! You would have never known he was sick or lost sleep that night! We will definitely order this again!!

  14. Chasta (verified owner)

    We have used this several times now for headaches and slight belly aches. I always give them about 30 mins and ask how they felt. Response has always been “all better!”

  15. Lori (verified owner)

    Wow!! This is amazing stuff! My 3 yr old was miserable with a cough and fever. Feel Better Fast did just that! Truly. She got some perk back and felt better. I used this a few times during this sickness and I could visibly see it make a difference each time.

  16. Faith (verified owner)

    You guys … this stuff is the BOMB! I’ve been using it for about 2 months now. Whenever someone sneezes, they get a dose. If their symptoms continue, they get several doses throughout the day. As a result, we’ve had no major illnesses. My 15 month old did end up with a minor cold. Even though I’m always kissing on him, and he drooled INTO my mouth one day … I didn’t get sick. I also have 2 school age kids (along with a 4 year old), and everyone has stayed healthy so far this season. This stuff is one of my new favorites!!!

  17. Paula

    I am amazed at how well this works. I have given this to my 8,5,3 year & 6 month old. I gave two drops to my 6 month old when she woke up coughing one day and snotty another and she doesn’t seem to need anymore it takes care of it in one dose. my other children have needed a few doses but it seemed to help take care of it and lessen the time of sickness.

  18. Abbey (verified owner)

    Who never wants to use Tylenol, Ibuprofen, or Advil, but still wants their child comfortable when sick? Well here is your answer! My kids have had fevers, coughs, and a cold and they are miserable. Within MINUTES of giving my kids this, they are more cheerful and less miserable. At first I thought it was a coincidence but we are going on day 5 of sickness and it still helps with discomfort!! And they love the taste. Thank you for making such awesome products, and ones I can feel good about giving my children.

  19. Hanna

    Any time my 4 year old gets a few sniffles it usually turns into a full blown cold/respiratory illness. Adding a few drops of this to our immune supporting regiment has really helped her to still function well and not get wiped out by a cold.

  20. Krystin Morse (verified owner)

    My 3.5 year old son was complaining of his knee aching when he got home from school. I saw that this helps with inflammation and pain so I gave him 5 to 6 drops. I didn’t notice any side effects at all. He’s been acting totally normal for him and hasn’t complained since. This has been a great product for us! It seems to help with everything to aches and pains to sniffles and colds! Plus the kids take it willingly. Another amazing multipurpose product!

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