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Organic Reishi Mushroom

Ganoderma lingzhi

Reishi mushroom is sometimes known as ling-zhi, ling chih, ling chi mushroom, or their scientific name is Ganoderma lucidum. Many species of Ganoderma are referred to as reishi. They can be identified by what they’re growing on. Reishi mushrooms are saprotrophic, meaning they feed off dead organic matter, such as a dead or dying tree, old stumps, or logs. Their caps are reddish, resembling a kidney. 

You might need reishi mushroom if . . . 

  •  You are constantly getting ill
  • You are feeling stressed
  •  You are experiencing fatigue

Benefits of Reishi Mushroom

  • Rich in Nutrients
  •  Antioxidants
  • Supports mental wellness
  • Immune modulator

Common Ways to Use Reishi Mushroom

You can find reishi mushrooms in dried bulk, pills, powders, extracts, or tinctures. 

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Growing and Foraging Information 

Reishi mushroom can be cultivated on hardwood logs or sawdust, requiring a humid environment and several months or patience to fruit. They are also possible to forage in many places in the wild, typically found on decaying tress in the forest. Be sure to properly identify before using.  

Safety Concerns 

Drug Interaction: Reishi is clearly a potent immune modulator. Therefore, you will see a number of cautions or warning against using it while taking immune-suppressant drugs or if suffering from an autoimmune condition. Please note that these concerns are theoretical, not based on actual adverse events.

Breastfeeding and Pregnancy: Mainstream sources recommend avoiding reishi mushroom if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, claiming there haven’t been enough studies on its safety in these circumstances. Contrarily, trusted herbalist Richard Whelan considers reishi mushrooms an extremely safe herb that may be taken in high doses when needed by the young or old, during pregnancy, or while breastfeeding.

Other Concerns:   Richard Whelan states, “If you look at the literature on the internet you will see cautions for people using anti-coagulant (blood thinning) medicine whilst using Reishi as it likewise reduces blood stickiness — my advice in this regard is of course to continue to use the herb but get your clotting levels checked frequently and if you need to use less drugs to get your blood to the optimal level then that’s great!”

Select Studies About Reishi mushroom …

Ganoderma lucidum (Lingzhi or Reishi)

G. lucidum, a popular herbal remedy used in many products like capsules and creams, is believed to have various health benefits, including cancer prevention, blood sugar regulation, and protection against liver and stomach damage. While many studies support these benefits, most have been done in animals or labs, so more well-designed human trials are needed to confirm its effectiveness and safety.

Exploring the Potential Medicinal Benefits of Ganoderma lucidum: From Metabolic Disorders to Coronavirus Infections

G. lucidum is a mushroom with compounds that may help fight viruses like COVID-19, reduce inflammation, and protect against cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. However, more research is needed to fully understand its benefits and make it more widely available outside of traditional medicine.

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