Your Results!

You may need Inflammation support. 

Inflammation is your body’s way of waving red flags. Something is wrong, yet your immune cells are only responding how they’ve been instructed. Inflammation is a general umbrella term for imbalance in the body. It can show itself through joint pain, hair loss, skin issues, or just general aches and pains.

Sometimes, you just need this pain to stop. Calming the inflammation can be a big game-changer in taking steps forward to discover its root cause. When you’re feeling better, you can think clearer, and coming up with a plan is less overwhelming.

Our Anti-Inflammatory, Pain Potion, Arnica Salve, and Magic Muscle Ease are your must-haves for quieting this loud immune response.

Gut Health is a huge topic in the health world.

With near-constant taxation on the gut microbiome, you’ve probably experienced intestinal distress at some point or another. You have also probably experience inflammation (in your gut AND other places). Did you know there could be a connection?

There is so much helpful information out there, but there is also a ton of unhelpful info. It can be overwhelming. Whether you are ready for a quick start or a deep dive, we have all of the research for you!

Want to learn more about our recommended products? Keep scrolling.

Anti-Inflammatory – For Inflammation


Anti-Inflammatory Herbal Extract is designed to help reduce inflammation in the body that can lead to body discomfort, sleep disorders, and unexplained weight loss or weight gain. Chronic inflammation has been linked with many diseases, and our desire is to help you reduce inflammation naturally! Inflammation can flare up from low immunity or an illness,…

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Pain Potion – For General Aches and Pains


Pain Potion is formulated with those who struggle with tension headaches, muscle aches and pain in mind, and to reduce inflammation and soothe pain away. We made Pain Potion with all of those conditions in mind to help you live pain free! We combine five herbs to extract their anti-inflammatory, cooling, and soothing properties to…

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Arnica Salve – For Sore Muscles and Bruises


Arnica is the best option for bumps, bruises, stubbed toes, sore muscles, and more, making it one of the most important herbs for families to have on hand. We’ve infused organic arnica blossoms into organic olive oil to create a simple salve that’s completely clean and 100% beneficial (and safe) for your whole family. This…

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Magic Muscle-Ease – For Sore Muscles and Pain


Magic Muscle Ease is the perfect lotion for those sore muscles. The solution for either those annoying charlie horses or those sore muscles from the gym! We combined magnesium chloride with a blend of butters and oils to make a supple and soft lotion that massages into your skin smoothly, but we infused it with…

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