Vaccine Detox – For Heavy Metals and Gut Healing

139 customer reviews


Vaccines are a big topic in the world right now, and unfortunately, many people have found their health compromised after receiving one. Vaccine injury can take many forms, such as food intolerance, digestive and elimination issues, attention issues, brain fog, poor immunity, and more.

Vaccine Detox was created to help the gut and immune system post-vaccination. Seven herbs in an alcohol and glycerin base help bind to and detox heavy metals while supporting the liver, gut, and immune system. This tincture helps restore the body and overall health as it improves energy levels and helps with gut disruption and providing post-vaccination support!

Even if you’ve never been vaccinated, Vaccine Detox can help cleanse the body of everyday heavy metal exposure and environmental toxins. Just because it surrounds us and is unpreventable doesn’t mean we can’t take steps to minimize our exposure and cleanse our bodies.

Key Herbs:

ABSOLUTELY NO synthetic ingredients, preservatives, fillers, artificial colors, added sugars, common allergens, emulsifiers, GMOs, or other unsafe ingredients!

*Tested for heavy metals by third-party labs to ensure compliance with strict safety standards.*

Scroll down to read a more in-depth description of the product, ingredients, benefits, FAQ, reviews, and more!

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Since Vaccine Detox focuses on eliminating heavy metals, it can be used even by those who’ve never received a vaccine in their life. Radiation exposure, prescription medications, pesticides, contaminated food, and water are all factors of heavy metal exposure that surround us daily. Want to learn more about heavy metal exposure? Learn everything you need to know about heavy metals.

Vaccine Detox is an herbal tincture that helps to restore gut health and overall wellness post-heavy metal exposure. Six herbs combine to help heal leaky gut, support liver health, and boost the immune system, while the seventh herb, chlorella, binds to and removes heavy metals from the body. Whether you have taken a vaccine recently or in the past, had a vaccine injury, or are simply looking to detox from the toxins around you, this tincture is for you!


  • Anti-inflammatory properties
  • Helps bind to and remove heavy metals
  • Promotes gut health
  • Supports healthy blood sugar levels
  • Supports healthy energy levels
  • Supports liver health
  • Supports the immune system
  • Supports the liver and elimination pathways

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Complete Ingredients: 

  • Oregon grape root*
  • Yellow dock root*
  • Astragalus root*
  • Marshmallow root*
  • Dandelion root*
  • Peppermint leaf*
  • Chlorella powder* (grown without chemicals)
  • Vegetable glycerin*
  • Cane alcohol*
  • Filtered water

*Certified organic ingredients


Oregon grape root*

Yellow dock root*

Astragalus root*

Marshmallow root*

Dandelion root*


Chlorella powder* (grown without chemicals)

Vegetable glycerin*

Cane alcohol*

*Certified organic ingredients


  • Ages 1 – 12 years: 1 – 3 drops daily, slowly building up over time until symptoms improve.
  • Ages 13+ years: 2 – 5 drops daily, slowly building up over time until symptoms improve.

Suggested dose after build up: 20 drops/1 dropper. Dosage can be increased over time as needed with no max dose.


Safe for ages 1+. Use with caution while pregnant or nursing, as peppermint may cause contractions or affect milk supply (start slowly and monitor closely). Not recommended for people with amalgam/metal tooth fillings.

Shelf life: 2 years.

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA, and this product is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure anything.


Q: I haven’t been vaccinated in a while, will Vaccine Detox still work?

A: Yes. Since heavy metals build up in the body, vaccine detox will bind to and eliminate heavy metals from vaccines (and other forms of exposure) no matter if you were vaccinated in the last week or the last decade.

Q: I’ve never been vaccinated; why should I take Vaccine Detox?

A: Vaccine detox focuses on binding and eliminating heavy metals, which surround us everywhere we go. Even if you’ve never received a vaccine in your life, Vaccine Detox can help cleanse the body of everyday heavy metal exposure and environmental toxins.

Q: Why isn’t Vaccine Detox recommended for amalgam (silver) fillings?

A: Amalgam fillings are a mixture of heavy metals (mercury and a powdered alloy containing silver, tin, and copper). Since Vaccine Detox focuses on eliminating heavy metals, if the metals aren’t removed correctly, they could circulate in the body and do more harm than good.

Q: How long should I take Vaccine Detox?

A: At least six weeks, but you can use it for as long as you feel necessary. Everyone’s needs will be different. Some people do a vaccine detox every few months, while some find long-term usage is what they need. Others choose to address active symptoms and discontinue after symptoms have resolved.

Q: Will I experience detox symptoms while taking Vaccine Detox?

A: You may. Remember to start slowly, with as few as 1 – 3 drops per day (for ages 1 –13) and 5 drops (for 13 and up), increasing slowly to avoid overwhelming detox symptoms. If you’re looking for detox support resources, check out The #1 Detox Mistake.

Q: What is the best way to take Vaccine Detox?

A: Vaccine Detox is taken orally and can be mixed into juice, tea, or another beverage for easier consumption.

Q: Is Vaccine Detox safe while pregnant?

A: Vaccine Detox is safe to use while pregnant. We recommend caution and monitoring closely as peppermint may cause contractions.

Q: Is Vaccine Detox safe while breastfeeding?

A: Vaccine Detox is safe to use while breastfeeding. Caution is warranted as peppermint may affect milk supply. We recommend monitoring closely for undesirable detox symptoms in your baby while breastfeeding. Detox symptoms in a baby include extra fussiness, diarrhea, rash, etc.

Q: Can I give Vaccine Detox to my baby?

A: We recommend Vaccine Detox for anyone over the age of one. If your baby is younger than that, it’s better to try to wait until 11 – 12 months old. If breastfeeding, we recommend mom take it and pass it along through the milk supply. If you’re having severe vaccine reactions, research the herbs and decide if you’re comfortable using Vaccine Detox.

Q:There is sediment at the bottom of my tincture bottle or discoloration of the dropper; what is it?

A: Since our products are made from herbs, sometimes herbal sediment isn’t completely strained. Chances are, if you notice any sediment at the bottom of the bottle or discoloration at the tip of the dropper, it’s from the herbs. As long as the product isn’t passed the two-year shelf-life and doesn’t smell rancid, it’s still safe to use.

Q: Will Vaccine Detox undo the damage caused by vaccines?

A: No, Vaccine Detox is not going to undo the damage caused by vaccines. It does help remove heavy metals from the body, but any damage done will not be mitigated. We suggest reading our Vaccine Detox Guide for more information.

Q: What is the goopy stuff at the bottom of the bottle and the dropper? Is it mold?

A: It is NOT mold. The chlorella powder in Vaccine Detox can accumulate at the bottom of the bottle and in the dropper. Due to this, the bottle needs to be shaken before each use to create a suspension of the powder before drawing it into the dropper.

Q: Why does this product not have an added binder to pull out toxins?

A: Some of the included herbs function as binders, so there is no need to add additional binders.

139 reviews for Vaccine Detox – For Heavy Metals and Gut Healing

  1. Chrystal Allen (verified owner)

    Honestly, I felt like a bad mom after giving my son vaccines for the first 6mos before I realized its ingredients . He was suffering from eczema, allergies, wheezing, and constant ear infections. After I made the decision I was referred to Earthly by a friend, and it has not failed me. Now my son is about to turn 2, and as healthy as ever. I feel this detox is really cleansing his body from all the harmful things found in vaccines. We are on our second bottle.

  2. Kylee Evans (verified owner)

    My kids and I have been taking this for 2 weeks now and I can already tell a difference in how everyone is sleeping and over all feeling!

  3. Amanda Ramos (verified owner)

    I’ve been using this on my 3.5 year old she isn’t vaccinated. The only thing she received was vitamin K shot at birth (which I was not happy about) but thank god she’s healthy, I decided to use this cause a good detox is always needed between the one vitamin k shot, food, the air we breathe, etc. I’ve noticed such a difference in her appetite and energy it’s amazing. She always struggled going to the bathroom, she now goes without a problem, daily. I will continue to use this product and will even start using it on myself. I’m sure I need it more than her.

  4. Rebecca (verified owner)

    We used this daily for about a month in conjunction with gut health oil. Just mixed a few drops into juice! It masks the taste alright. Wonderful ingredients!! My daughter’s speech exploded! She had no vaccines, but has inherited awful gut health from me. She isn’t healed yet, but seems to be doing better! I’ve recommended it to several friends.

  5. Jesslynn M Thies

    Husband is a weanie who doesn’t like to take medicine. We both desperately needed a detox from working in healthcare and myself being forced to take the MMR vaccine when our son was born. We both have more energy, I have more clarity of the mind and less brain fog. It tastes great and is safe to use during pregnancy!

  6. Christina (verified owner)

    I have been using this on my 9 year old son for about 4 months. He has high functioning autism. I saw improvements right away in his speech and response time. He is speaking more often and more freely. I highly recommend this product.

  7. Stephanie Bandish (verified owner)

    I had noticed some eczema developing on my little girl’s face. No matter what I did, it seemed to worsen. After the first dose of the tincture, I noticed a significant improvement after only a few hours! I could not believe it. It has progressively improved with further doses. I also am taking it, and have noticed an improvement with decreased brain fog, better concentration and increased energy. I have recommended it to other family members, and am excited to see continuing results.

  8. Tara (verified owner)

    This product shouldn’t be used by child bearing aged women who are sensitive to phytoestrogens or hormones (dandelion root)! It messed up my menstrual cycle.

  9. Meghan G (verified owner)

    I have been using this on my 8yr old son. So far I can tell he seems more focused through out the day and he is pooping more regularly. It is usually a fight to get him to poop on a regular basis and he would get all spastic acting when he would have to go, but I’ve noticed he’s going on his own more and calmly. Hope to see some more good things from this detox!

  10. Victoria (verified owner)

    We have been using this on our 2 oldest kids. My 1st used to be VERY reserved and wouldnt talk to anyone, almost wouldnt even look at anyone. Over the holidays (about 4 months in of taking this) family have mentioned how much character he has and how amazing his imagination is! He is changing and opening up! Something I never thought would happen.

  11. Jennifer Deane (verified owner)

    My 1YO’s lead levels tested high this summer (11.1 in the finger prick & 8.8 from a blood test). We put her on Vaccine Detox shortly afterward for about 8 weeks. slowly building up her dose. I just got her latest results back & they dropped to 2.2!!! Even her doctor wanted to know what we did & is going to share it with other patients! I have also used this on my oldest partially vaxed children (who all have chronic vaccine injuries) as well as myself. . Our only side effect was mild diarrhea for a couple of us. Most of my kids didn’t mind the taste nor did I. It’s minty tasting, but 1 or 2 kids complained, but took it straight anyway.

  12. Sarena (verified owner)

    I started using the vaccine detox 28 days ago and I’ve noticed a huge difference. I get chronic ear infections In one ear and suffer from chronic ear pain due to a vaccine injury when I was a baby so I’ve been dealing with ear issues my entire life. I’ve even lost some hearing. Since I started taking this my ear doesn’t act up as much anymore and when it does; I pair it up with Earache Ease and I’m golden within 24 hours.

  13. Kamie MB (verified owner)

    My 4 year old daughter was injured by the vitamin K injection. This tincture was one of the Earthley products that we used to reverse the damage caused to her gut and clear her eczema. I highly recommend pairing this with Gut Health Oil and Liver Love to ensure that all areas of gut health are addressed and the liver is supported during detox.

  14. Ashley Phibbs (verified owner)

    My son developed some sensory issues after having a reaction to vaccines. This product after using it for almost 2 months, has shown promising results! He used to want cold baths, because he had such sensitivity to even warm water. He is now taking hot baths 🙂

  15. Kelsey k

    Both of my children have experienced great health improvements overall since starting this supplement! We love it, highly recommend

  16. A. Shilts (verified owner)

    I suffer from candida overgrowth and several other chronic health issues. I’m certain that most of them are a direct cause of over vaccinating. Although reversing all of them will take time, since starting vaccine detox tincture, I have noticed a significant improvement in the symptoms I experience from candida overgrowth. Strongly recommend

  17. A. Shilts (verified owner)

    I suffer from candida overgrowth and several mother chronic health issues. I’m certain that most of them are a direct cause of over vaccinating. Although reversing all of them will take time, since starting vaccine detox tincture, I have noticed a significant improvement in the symptoms I experience from candida overgrowth. Strongly recommend

  18. Caitlin (verified owner)

    I’ve been using this on my 5 & 3 year old daughters. They are NOT fond of the taste but I believe it’s working. No terrible side effects as of right now.

  19. Cristin

    I have been using this on myself (31 year old mom of two), my 3 year old, and my under 1 year old. Used at the smallest dose at first, I could tell it was helping me actually absorb nutrients (which 5+ rounds of antibiotics wrecked my gut health). My infant stopped having blowout diapers and my toddler stopped having chronic diarrhea. I think I’ll need to continue using it for a few more months but I have definitely seen progress when nothing else helped (probiotics, prebiotic foods, etc).

  20. Beth R

    We have been using this on our elementary school aged child. She is sleeping better and has not been sick at all since we started. Haven’t noticed any terrible detoxing side effects.

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