The Green Family and the New Baby Bundle (Book 6)

Original price was: $12.99.Current price is: $7.99.

Join the Green Family in BOOK SIX as they welcome their newest member to the family! Mama Green is full term with her fifth baby and the whole family is ready to meet their new brother or sister! Mama Green gets in the birthing pool, labors peacefully at home, and gives birth surrounded by the midwife, Violet, and Papa!

Children whose families make alternative/natural choices deserve to see themselves represented in children’s literature! With this idea in mind, we created The Green Family. The Greens are a family who live on a small homestead in the Midwest, where they grow some of their own food, homeschool, home birth, and use natural remedies.

Beautifully illustrated and fun to read, this book will quickly become a family favorite!

**This is a physical book and accompanying printable activity book.**

You can read the rest of the books in the series with The Green Family Complete Series!

The Green Family and the New Baby


The Green Family and the New Baby Activity Book (Digital Download)

Original price was: $5.00.Current price is: $0.00.


Join the Green Family in BOOK SIX as they welcome their newest member to the family! Mama Green is full term with her fifth baby and the whole family is ready to meet their new brother or sister! Mama Green gets in the birthing pool, labors peacefully at home, and gives birth surrounded by the midwife, Violet, and Papa!

Mama Green and the whole Green Family are thrilled to welcome a new baby brother or sister at home! Violet hears something from her room while trying to sleep and finds out that Mama Green is in the birth pool breathing through contractions as her new sibling is about to enter the world! Join Violet as she gets to witness the birth of her new siblings, experiences a homebirth, and assists Mama Green as she labors.

You’ll find a few recipes in the back of the book, and the activity book is full of crossword puzzles and other activities that are great for the whole family!

Sneak peek of the story:

“Violet was so overwhelmed, she felt like crying. The baby was coming now! It was so exciting…but she knew it was very hard for Mama Green. She felt so many things all at once.
“You’re almost there!” Carrie quietly cheered her on. “The baby’s head is out. One more push and you’ll be holding your baby!”
Mama Green’s breath quickened and caught again…and suddenly, the baby was all the way out! A flurry of activity happened all at once. Papa Green reached down and scooped the baby up out of the water, and the baby began to cry. Mama Green flipped herself back over so she could lie back against the side of the tub. She was crying and so was Papa Green. Papa Green handed her the baby, and she curled it against her chest and held it close.
Now Mama Green’s eyes were open, and she looked so happy. Her breath did not quicken anymore. She smiled at Violet. “The baby’s here!” she said jubilantly.
The first light of dawn was starting to peek through the windows. Soon, everyone would be awake and would come to see the new baby.”

The Green Family and the New Baby Activity Book is a digital download and printable contains coloring sheets, word searches, mazes, crosswords, and other word games and visual art. At over 30 pages, this download has tons of fun activities that children will love. It’s the perfect way to engage further interest and discussion of the book!

**This is a physical book and accompanying printable activity book.**

You can read the rest of the books in the series with The Green Family Complete Series!


You can read the rest of the books in the series with The Green Family Complete Series!


You can read the rest of the books in the series with The Green Family Complete Series!


You can read the rest of the books in the series with The Green Family Complete Series!


Q: How many books can I order?

A: As many as you want!

Q: Where can I find the complete series?

A: You can read the rest of the books in the series with The Green Family Complete Series!

Q: Are both the book and activity book mailed to me?

A: The physical book will be mailed to you, but the activity book will be available on your order confirmation page and emailed order receipt to download and print.


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