Sleepy Time – For Calm Mood and Peaceful Sleep

245 customer reviews


Not being able to relax and fall asleep is not fun, no matter how old you are. Whether it’s due to stress and worry, or your kids just can’t calm down before bed, sometimes we all need help getting to sleep. That’s why we made our Sleepy Time Herbal Extract.

Sleepy Time is not a sedative – it is not going to make you fall asleep. What it will do is cause you to have feelings of relaxation and calm which make it easier to fall asleep. It’s the perfect addition to your night time routine!

Key Herbs:

  • Catnip – promotes feelings of calm
  • Skullcap – soothes the nervous system, anti-inflammatory
  • Passionflower – promotes calm mood

ABSOLUTELY NO flavors, colors, added sugars, allergens (corn, soy, gluten, dairy, nuts, egg), or any junk!

*Tested for heavy metals by third-party labs to ensure compliance with strict safety standards.*

Scroll down to read a more in-depth description of the product, ingredients, benefits, FAQ, reviews, and more!

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Not being able to relax and fall asleep is not fun, no matter how old you are. Whether it’s due to stress and worry, or your kids just can’t calm down before bed, sometimes we all need help getting to sleep. That’s why we made our Sleepy Time Herbal Extract.

Sleepy Time is not a sedative – it is not going to make you fall asleep. What it will do is cause you to have feelings of relaxation and calm which make it easier to fall asleep. It’s the perfect addition to your night time routine!

Key Herbs:

  • Catnip – promotes feelings of calm
  • Skullcap – soothes the nervous system, anti-inflammatory
  • Passionflower – promotes calm mood

Don’t love your product? Contact us within 30 days and we’ll refund your money. The best way to reach us is through email at [email protected].


Complete Ingredients:

  • Catnip leaf*
  • Skullcap*
  • Passionflower*
  • Vegetable glycerin*
  • Filtered water

*Certified organic ingredients



Vegetable Glycerin

Filtered Water


  • Ages 1 – 6: 5 – 10 drops
  • Ages 6 – 12: 10 – 20 drops
  • Ages 13+: 30 – 40 drops

Take by mouth about 30 minutes before bed or first thing in the morning for focus/anxiety.


Safe for ages 1+. Talk to your doctor if you have special medical needs, especially if you are on mood-altering or anti-depression/anti-anxiety drugs before use.

Shelf Life: 2 years.

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA, and this product is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure anything.


Q: Is this safe for babies?

A: Sleepy Time is safe for children ages 1 year and up. It is not recommended for babies.

Q: How quickly does Sleepy Time work?

A: Sleepy Time will make you drowsy so it’s easier to fall asleep. It does not make you fall asleep. It does encourage your body to become relaxed and more able to fall asleep naturally.

If you are using this to encourage sleep in your children, please understand that this will not “knock them out.” It will simply encourage relaxation in their body to promote a restful sleep.

Q: Does Sleepy Time contain melatonin?

A: No, Sleepy Time DOES NOT contain melatonin. We suggest reading our guide The Secret to A Good Night’s Sleep for more information on why we do not recommend using synthetic melatonin for sleep.

If you are using this to encourage sleep in your children, please understand that this will not “knock them out.” It will simply encourage relaxation in their body to promote a restful sleep.

Q: I gave this to my child and now they are really hyper, what’s happening?

A: Approximately 10% of the population finds catnip to cause their systems to be excited rather than calmed. If you are worried that might be you or your children, give a few drops in the morning and see how they respond. If they are not overly excited, they are probably not reactive to catnip and it will be calming for them.

245 reviews for Sleepy Time – For Calm Mood and Peaceful Sleep

  1. Michele (verified owner)

    I really wanted to love this product. But when I took it. I woke up a couple of hours later, struggled to get back to sleep and had weird dreams. I only tried it one time, but my reaction was concerning, so I didn’t want to try again or give it to my family. I’m very sensitive to supplements, so it could just be me, but I won’t be buying again.

  2. Michele (verified owner)

    I really wanted to love this product. But when I took it. I woke up a couple of hours later, struggled to get back to sleep and had weird dreams. I only tried it one time, but my reaction was concerning, so I didn’t want to try again or give it to my family. I’m very sensitive to supplements, so it could just be me, but I won’t be buying again.

  3. Bri Senten (verified owner)

    This was the first product I tried from Earthley and it sold me on the company. I can’t recommend it enough. We have even used it for days where my 3 year old has high levels of fits or when my teenager seems to be struggling with her emotions. I’ve used it for sleep as well as anxiety. Tastes good and will always be on hand in our house.

  4. EA (verified owner)

    It has really helped my little one get good sleep

  5. Alecia Montiel (verified owner)

    I have been using sleepy time for two months and it works it relaxes you and let you fall asleep.

  6. Jaqueline (verified owner)

    Okay I LOVEEEE this stuff! I like that it doesn’t instantly make me wanna pass out, but helps me to STAY asleep. I have no problems falling asleep, it’s the staying asleep. This has been a staple for me at night! Definitely don’t sit on it, just buy it!

  7. Martha (verified owner)

    This may be my all time FAVORITE earthly product. It works so well for me! It was great during pregnancy when I’d have insomnia and it was really nice to have with a newborn when you’d wake up to feed and need to go back to sleep quickly before the next feed. I have given this to my sister and she and her fiance love it! Given to my uncle and it worked for him as well. I love that it is natural. I used to take a benadryl every night to sleep and this is so much better for you!

  8. Paige Conover

    My husband, (who doesn’t believe in tinctures or anything natural) now asks for his sleepy time tincture every night to combat his insomnia. Seriously amazing stuff.

  9. Lauren (verified owner)

    I love Earthley products but there are a couple I feel that just don’t work at all and this is one of them. We tried it on everyone in our house and not one of us felt the effects. And we’ve tried it multiple times. Doesn’t work for my one year old either. The good night lotion does work for me at least. But I will not purchase this tincture again unfortunately.

  10. Whitney (verified owner)

    Unfortunately didn’t work for my 4 year old who has trouble falling asleep every night.

  11. Grace

    I was reading reviews and thought to myself this is too good to be true. But I wanted to try something for my 2 year old. I don’t necessarily think it helps her fall asleep faster but it keeps her asleep. I’ve given it to her 3 nights in a row and each of those nights she didn’t wake up in the middle of the night. On a good night, she’d wake up at least 3 times. I’m glad we tried it out! Will definitely keep using this.

  12. Marissa (verified owner)

    I started using this with my daughter, along with the Good Night Lotion, and she now sleeps through the night and is so much happier during the day. Before this, she would still be waking up 3-4 times a night and everyone was exhausted. I’m so glad I added this to our bedtime routine!

  13. Christine Schofield (verified owner)

    I had such high hopes for this with my 19 month old. He’s never slept through the night and his sleep has gotten much worse over the last month and a half, I feel like he’s a newborn again with the amount of times he wakes up. Unfortunately we’ve been using this for a week now, along with the Good Night Lotion, every night and it’s done absolutely nothing for my son. I’m so tired from the minimal sleep and feel like a terrible mom….

  14. kmabeauty101 (verified owner)

    I am so pleased with this product. I’m glad I decided to give it a try. I have had trouble sleeping for a long time and from the first night I tried this I slept all night long for the first time in years. I will continue to purchase this product for sure!

  15. Jodi Helton (verified owner)

    Life changing!!! My 18-mo old finally sleeps!!!! Thank you!!!

  16. Kelsey Holmes (verified owner)

    This works for me, my husband, and my baby! I contacted Earthly to ask if I could try it on my 6 mo old, and they said it would be safe to give a few drops, though they don’t recommend it because babies might need to wake up during the night. My baby was not sleeping more than 30 mins at a time for a few nights and I was desperate for sleep, so I tried a few drops and he slept in 2 hour stretches. I co-sleep and nurse him throughout the night, but I give this to him if he wakes up and doesn’t seem like he’s going to fall back asleep, and it always works within about 20 mins. This did not work for my mother who regularly takes sleeping pills and has a lot of trouble sleeping (though I don’t think that’s the products fault).

  17. Payton (verified owner)

    My 15 month old had never slept through the night until I started using Sleepy time and the magnesium lotion. She would wake up at least 4 times a night and then refuse to let me lay her back down. Now she sleeps soundly through the night. I highly recommend this stuff

  18. Amanda Collins (verified owner)

    I have 2 boys that fight sleep in every way possible and unfortunately, this does not work for them! However, I am giving a 5 star review for myself because this saved me from pregnancy insomnia in the 3rd trimester! Without using this, I would wake up to go to the bathroom and not be able to go back to sleep but with this tincture I would fall back asleep easily!

  19. Kalynn

    We always make sure we have this on hand in our home. Kids are a bit wound up at bedtime? Needing them to relax a bit before an airplane ride? Having trouble falling asleep? This is your answer. Tastes great, as an adult I only need about 15 drops and I’m asleep in 5 minutes. It works within minutes for my children. Don’t hesitate, buy the biggest size because you’ll love it!!

  20. Sarah (verified owner)

    I love Sleepy. I was introduced to these herbal products, began taking them and haven’t looked back. I am currently taking Natural Health course and I’m grateful to be able to suggest these products. I’m even more excited to become an affiliate.

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