Sinus Saver – For Seasonal Allergy Support and Respiratory Health

524 customer reviews


Seasonal allergies, or even year round allergies, can cause a lot of discomfort and stress when all you want to do is go about your day normally. Sinus pressure, sneezing, wheezing, and watery eyes don’t make it easy to live your life. That’s why we created a daily sinus support tincture!

Sinus Saver is great for taking everyday to support your sinuses and to help relieve allergy symptoms. If you have struggled with allergies and found that nothing helps, give Sinus Saver a try!

Key Herbs:

ABSOLUTELY NO preservatives, parabens, phthalates, fragrances, or other unsafe ingredients!

*Tested for heavy metals by third-party labs to ensure compliance with strict safety standards.*

Scroll down to read a more in-depth description of the product, ingredients, benefits, FAQ, reviews, and more!

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When pollen fills the air, it can be difficult to breathe!

We formulated a natural antihistamine and anti-inflammatory powerhouse to provide you relief  no matter what time of year it is. Combine that with liver-supporting herbs to help your liver clear out excess histamines and you have the perfect allergy remedy. It doesn’t matter if it’s your cat or your roses causing you grief, Sinus Saver can help!

We combined nettle leaf, a powerful antihistamine, with elderberries, turmeric root, black pepper, and dandelion root to support your body as it deals with daily allergens and irritations. Sinus Saver works best when you take it daily, so make sure you aren’t taking it only when you have symptoms of allergies!


  • Immune modulator
  • Calms allergies and allergic responses
  • Helps with occasional coughs
  • Helps reduce sniffles
  • Protects and supports the liver
  • Supports respiratory health
  • Supports healthy blood pressure
  • Rich in anthocyanins and vitamin C

Don’t love your product? Contact us within 30 days and we’ll refund your money. The best way to reach us is through email at [email protected].



Complete Ingredients:


  • Nettle leaf*
  • Elderberries*
  • Turmeric root*
  • Black pepper*
  • Dandelion root*
  • Cane alcohol*
  • Filtered water


  • Nettle leaf*
  • Elderberries*
  • Turmeric root*
  • Black pepper*
  • Dandelion root*
  • Vegetable glycerin*
  • Filtered water

*Certified Organic Ingredients

  • Quercetin levels:
  • Original — 38 mg/ml
  • Alcohol-free — 42.6 mg/ml




Turmeric Root

Black Pepper

Dandelion Root


  • Alcohol-Free Version:
  • Ages 1 – 6: 5 – 10 drops
  • Ages 7 – 12: 10 – 20 drops
  • Ages 13+: 20 drops


Original Version:

  • Ages 2 – 6: 5 – 10 drops
  • Ages 7 – 12: 10 – 20 drops
  • Ages 13+: 20 drops

For best results, use Sinus Saver daily during allergy season. You can use it as needed for colds or sinus pressure. 


Original: Safe for ages 2+.

Alcohol-Free: Safe for ages 1+.

Do not use if you have lupus or a clotting disorder without talking to your doctor. Talk to a health professional if you have any concerns before use.

Shelf Life: 2 years.

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA, and this product is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure anything.


Q: How often do I take it?

A: Sinus Saver works best when you take it consistently, everyday. This helps to support your body’s ability to handle allergens.

Q: Will this work if I take it only when I start showing signs of allergies?

A: While Sinus Saver works best if you take it daily, it may help relieve some allergy symptoms if taken when you first start to have sinus issues.

Q: Is Sinus Saver safe for children?

A: Sinus Saver is safe for children 1 year and older. It can be a little spicy, so we suggest adding it to juice to make it easy for children to take.

Q: Will Sinus Saver help with colds or other illnesses that causes runny/stuffy noses?

A: While Sinus Saver can help with colds due to its anti-inflammatory properties, we would suggest considering our Feel Better Fast tincture and Breathe Well Salve instead for more targeted support.

524 reviews for Sinus Saver – For Seasonal Allergy Support and Respiratory Health

  1. Katie Latif (verified owner)

    This has been a life saver for me! I have been using it since October and I LOVE it! Because of my allergies, I have awful constant sinus issues and I used to take drops that I would get from my ENT. They worked alright, but they cost me $300 every new TINY bottle! I came across someone on Instagram who also uses Earthley products, so I decided to look at the website and saw sinus saver, so I went ahead and tried it out. So glad I did! I love Earthley’s products. Sinus Saver works so well for me, my husband as well, costs me soo much less, and I can feel comfortable about it because it’s natural!!
    **Tip for those that don’t care for the taste like me – I put some in a small amount of apple juice or put it in a cup of tea and take it that way. Won’t taste anything but the juice or tea! (:

  2. Rachel Bowen (verified owner)

    I’m so thankful for this product. I was about to give up on natural remedies for my allergies but Im glad I came across this and tried it. My allergies have improved so much since using this product and I will not go a day without using it.

  3. Lindsay Sprentz (verified owner)

    I Love this stuff! I live in Georgia and have allergies every season. This is the only product that I’ve found that helps relieve my symptoms. The best part is that it starts working quickly and I feel better within a short time. I’m terrible able being regimented and making it part of my routine, but once my symptoms spike this little bottle comes to the rescue!

  4. Brian Whisenant (verified owner)

    Why does this have to come with alcohol? And there are other products that have kids versions but not this one? It needs to be on the front page and listed as an ingredient. Not as a side note.
    I believe this was working and had suggested it to other people in recovery (as am I) and will now have to go to all of them and tell not not to buy these products.

  5. Elvina Rodriguez (verified owner)

    Love Sinus Saver! Anytime I feel any sinus pressure or allergies coming on, this clears it right up!

  6. Katie

    My boys have terrible allergies and actually ask for this if I forget to give it to them. I haven’t had allergies myself for years and have since this move, so now I’m taking it and already seeing an improvement.

  7. Katrina (verified owner)

    UPDATE: Initially I thought the Sinus Saver I was not working. Well I was wrong. Once I ran out of the product my allergy symptoms returned. I will be ordering Sinus Saver again. Tried to change the star rating to 5 but it wouldn’t let me.

  8. Kamie (verified owner)

    I can’t believe I haven’t written a review for this one yet… my 4 year old has struggled with allergies since birth. We’re working on her gut, but it’s a slow process. In the mean time, I’m so thankful for a natural option that works so well. These herbs are magical. She has been in the middle of a pretty bad reaction (red, puffy, itchy, watery eyes/eczema/sniffling and sneezing/hives) and after just one dose of Sinus Saver her face began to clear. She took it daily for quite a while until her inflammatory response had settled down. Now we just use as needed. We love this one!

  9. mrsmouselips (verified owner)

    Saw zero results from this product. Been using everyday for weeks with little or no change in the allergy issues I am having. Continue to have congestion issues. So sad cause I really wanted this product to work for me. Will not purchase again.

  10. Shelli Van maanen (verified owner)

    Purchased this recently to give it a try, as we live in the country and with harvest starting all our allergies have flared up, it so dry this year and the dust is just awful from the gravel roads and from the trucks hauling crops past our house. This has been a life saver for sure. My kids and I take some in the morning and we are clear all day! Thank you so much, will definitely purchase again!

  11. Courtney Main (verified owner)

    This tincture has been such a huge help when the pollinators get to pollinating! It started to provide releif within a few days of daily use and the biggest selling point for me as a new mom was the safe during breastfeeding aspect.. as several other natural sinus support options are not recommended and I was left scrambling to find something and gain releif. Glad to have stumbled upon Earthley and this sinus gem!!!

  12. esaade (verified owner)

    This works. My husband had a cold and cough and this with cough tincture cleared him up

  13. Shelby Mayes (verified owner)

    I haven’t ever dealt with sinus issues/allergies before this year…but this year was super bad. I gave this a try and it did take a few days, but after taking it twice a day, every day, by the 3rd day I felt so much better! I have heard (and did notice) that this is one you just stay consistent. For someone who hasnt ever taken allergy meds in the past, I really wanted to try something natural. I am so glad that this worked for me!

  14. jacqui.livingston (verified owner)

    I have horrible allergies in the fall. This stuff helps me so much! My daughter used to get extremely bad allergies every season change. Sneezy, runny, and stuffy nose, swollen eyes, and even a low fever. She never experiences any of that anymore with Sinus Saver. My whole family uses it for allergies and head colds. We ALWAYS have this on hand.

  15. Lindsay DeYoung (verified owner)

    Ended up needing nose surgery to breathe better, but they thought I also had allergies, so I purchased some of this. I refuse to be on zyrtec or claritin every day for the rest of my life. I usually take this morning and night, and have noticed a true difference in my stuffiness and water itchy eyes. I love simple ingredients that are effective!

  16. Kelsey Curtis (verified owner)

    I love Sinus Saver! I had tried multiple over the counter allergy meds, with no improvement. In fact, things were getting worse, because my immune system is a bit compromised and I was getting more allergies.
    Sinus Saver is the only thing that has helped. If I ever forget to take it, I find myself thinking “why is my nose dripping so much?” And then I realize I didn’t take my Sinus Saver yet… Once I do, it makes a huge difference. I used to literally carry kleenex with me everywhere like an old lady (when I was in my mid 20s) and felt panicked when I didn’t have any kleenex/TP with me…that’s how much my nose dripped. This tincture has made a big difference for me! I breathe better, have far less dripping and less congestion. Highly recommend this tincture.
    A note.. My hubby has started using this, but is not consistent, and has not noticed much of a change in his allergies. So I think its pretty important to be consistant, in order to get results.

  17. ER (verified owner)

    Sinus Saver was so helpful for my son when he had horribly seasonal allergies in the Spring. Since this is a natural product it took longer to work, but it did do the job and helped him so much. Recently I had a couple of days of allergies and I took it first thing in the morning and it knocked my allergies right out. Life saver!

  18. Rebecca Ayers (verified owner)

    It’s hard to pick a favorite from Earthley, but this is definitely one of them! I struggle so much with allergies during pregnancy and my son will have major congestion depending on the season. But this stuff kicks it in the butt! My son will wake up snotty, take his Sinus Saver and then be completely fine less than an hour later! And it’s definitely true that it works better when taken on a daily basis. I can always tell when I forget!

  19. Tiara

    This stuff works really well to clear out your sinuses. If I have a sinus headache, sinus pain, my sinuses dump, and I start coughing, I take this! It’s especially great for the April/August allergy seasons!

  20. Courtney Keck (verified owner)

    My daughter (11) uses this for allergy flare ups that she gets often from lots of sources like dust, pollen, pet dander and dairy. It helps clear up her running nose pretty fast.

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