Lunamore – For Balancing Estrogen and Metabolic Health

170 customer reviews


Lunamore promotes healthy blood sugar levels, promotes hormone balance, and helps to reduce cramps and cysts. If you suffer from painful and irregular periods, you may find this tincture to be helpful! Lunamore is a tincture that helps women love their “moon cycle” again!

A woman’s menstrual cycle is the #1 indicator of her health. If your cycle is irregular, super heavy, and incredibly painful – that means something is not right! Rather than focusing only on the symptoms, we use what the symptoms are communicating to us about our bodies.

Key Herbs:

  • Schisandra Berry – combats obesity, anti-inflammatory
  • Alfalfa – balances blood sugar, rich in vitamins and minerals
  • Cinnamon – anti-inflammatory, relieves pain
  • Licorice Root – balances hormones, beneficial in menopause
  • Goat’s Rue – helps to lower blood sugar
  • Raspberry Leaf – promotes uterine health, anti-inflammatory

ABSOLUTELY NO colors, flavors (natural or artificial), preservatives, added sugar, sodium benzoate, citric acid, acetaminophen, ibuprofen, top allergens (corn, soy, nuts, gluten, dairy, fish) or other junk!

Scroll down to read a more in-depth description of the product, ingredients, benefits, FAQ, reviews, and more!

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Lunamore is a woman’s best friend to help support metabolism, modulate the immune system, provide hormone balance, relieve cramps and cysts, and more. It can even help to support a woman during menopause, lower blood sugar, and naturally combat obesity.

Six herbs: schisandra berry, alfalfa, cinnamon, licorice, goat’s rue, and raspberry leaf were specially selected to provide antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, tone the uterus, and support women’s wellness. Looking for additional relief from painful, heavy periods, or postpartum afterpains? Try Ease the Ache!


  • Supports metabolism
  • Supports a woman’s cycle
  • Supports hormone balance
  • Supports women during menopause
  • Supports healthy blood sugar levels
  • Naturally helps to combat obesity
  • Immune-modulator
  • Helps to reduce cramps
  • May help alleviate symptoms of cystic growth
  • Antioxidant properties
  • Anti-inflammatory properties
  • Tones the uterus
  • Liquid benefits (vitamins and minerals are easier to digest and provide more benefits than tablets, where binders and fillers must first be broken down)

Don’t love your product? Contact us within 30 days and we’ll refund your money. The best way to reach us is through email at [email protected].


Complete Ingredients:

  • Schisandra berry*
  • Alfalfa leaf*
  • Cinnamon*
  • Licorice root*
  • Goat’s rue*
  • Raspberry leaf*
  • Vegetable glycerin*
  • Filtered water

*Certified organic ingredients

Supplement Facts:

Serving Size: 0.5 ml

  • 1 oz bottle servings: 60
  • 2 oz bottle servings: 120
  • 4 oz bottle servings: 240

Amount Per Serving:

  • Schisandra berry: 37 mg
  • Alfalfa: 17 mg
  • Cinnamon: 11 mg
  • Licorice root: 11 mg
  • Goat’s rue: 11 mg
  • Raspberry leaf: 8 mg


Schisandra berry: 



Licorice root:

Goat’s rue:

Raspberry Leaf:

Filtered Water


Take 5 – 10 drops per day or as needed.


Safe for ages 1+. Caution in pregnancy or breastfeeding due to licorice root. Do not use if you have lupus or a clotting disorder without talking to your doctor.

Shelf life: 2 years.

This product has not been evaluated by the FDA, and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure anything. 


Q: Can men take Lunamore?

A: If men are struggling with blood sugar balance, they may find Lunamore helpful.

Q: Does Lunamore help with period pain, pain during intercourse, and abdominal bloating?

A:  While Lunamore does not treat or cure anything, Lunamore may help improve these symptoms.

Q: I have hypothyroid. Is it okay to take Lunamore?How is this different from Thyroid Support?

A: For a sluggish thyroid we would suggest taking our Thyroid Support. Lunamore does have benefits for your thyroid due to the licorice root within it, but it is not the full support your need for a sluggish thyroid.

Q: How often should I take this? Should I focus on a part of my menstrual cycle?

A: We recommend taking it daily for continued support. You can take more during certain parts of your cycle if you feel like your body needs it.

Q: How much can I take in a day?

A: You can take Lunamore as needed throughout the day if you feel like your body needs more support than the daily dosage is giving you.

170 reviews for Lunamore – For Balancing Estrogen and Metabolic Health

  1. Taylor Gonzalez (verified owner)

    I’m really glad I started using this. My periods have shortened and I don’t have cramps anymore. I love it.

  2. Kaitlyn VanDerbeek (verified owner)

    Can’t say enough good things!! I started taking this about a month ago. I was visiting my mom when I started getting bad menstrual cramps. She gave me her Lunamore, and I took about a dropper full. Within 10 minutes, my cramps were gone. I decided to order my own bottle. After taking daily for about 2 weeks, I noticed that I started feeling more like myself. I’ve struggled with PPD/PPA after my sons birth, and haven’t felt normal since. After taking Lunamore for a few weeks, I FINALLY feel normal. It’s the only thing that’s helped. I also take Anti-inflammatory and Ease the Ache during my period to help with cramps. I’ve gone from taking 2 Tylenol every couple hours for the whole week, to now just taking 1 in the morning and 1 before bed for the first 3 days of my period. And I have a history of debilitating bad cramps (vomiting, fainting, etc from the pain). I’m so grateful I finally found this!

  3. Kaitlyn VanDerbeek (verified owner)

    Can’t say enough good things!! I started taking this about a month ago. I was visiting my mom when I started getting bad menstrual cramps. She gave me her Lunamore, and I took about a dropper full. Within 10 minutes, my cramps were gone. I decided to order my own bottle. After taking daily for about 2 weeks, I noticed that I started feeling more like myself. I’ve struggled with PPD/PPA after my sons birth, and haven’t felt normal since. After taking Lunamore for a few weeks, I FINALLY feel normal. It’s the only thing that’s helped. I also take Anti-inflammatory and Ease the Ache during my period to help with cramps. I’ve gone from taking 2 Tylenol every couple hours for the whole week, to now just taking 1 in the morning and 1 before bed for the first 3 days of my period. And I have a history of debilitating bad cramps (vomiting, fainting, etc from the pain). I’m so grateful I finally found this!

  4. Basford (verified owner)

    Love the taste! I have noticed a difference during my cycle. Less pain before and during my period, less clots. It did seem to take a while to help. Almost quit taking it, but figured it’s all good for me anyways. I am so glad I didn’t stop.

  5. Stephanie Caldwell (verified owner)

    I suffer from PCOS and this has been a wonderful product for the many cysts that I get. I’ve been pain free since starting this and plan on never going without it!

  6. Paige

    Luna more is a product I never want to run out of again. It has helped with regulating my cycle after suffering for many years with irregular cycles due to PCOS. I’m so thankful I found it!

  7. AO (verified owner)

    This has helped tremendously with my periods. After my second kid(last kid) my husband got a vasectomy and I didn’t want to go back on birth control. My periods were super heavy and I started the Lunamore and by my second and third period, I had minimal to no cramping and a lot less bleeding. I have taken it daily for almost a year now and I don’t know what I would do without it. I have recommended it to all my friends with heavy painful periods and they have seen great results as well.

  8. Camie (verified owner)

    This product seemed to help combat the super tired feeling I would get.

  9. Samantha (verified owner)

    I love this tincture! It’s helping me navigate through my new perimenopause phase of life. I have struggled with very heavy miserable periods since my son was born and this has finally helped with that. This product has helped significantly improve my quality of life during that time of the month. Right now I only use it the week before and the week of my menstrual cycle. That seems to work for me.

  10. meetheonetn

    I’ve suffered from back to back miscarriages which has led to irregular and intensely painful periods with lots of blood clots. It was so bad I was bed bound for days. I’ve been taking this along with Fertili-boost for the past 3 months and I feel like I have my life back. My periods are no longer painful and the blood clots are 80% gone. It also has helped with ovulation pain! I cried the first month after taking this I was so excited! Worth. Every. Penny!!

  11. Tiffany Kern

    I started taking Lunamore daily (10 drops every morning) I am peri-menopause and was having cycles every 35-65 days that were heavy and filled with clots. Since starting Lunamore my cycles are every 28-29 days and lighter with fewer blood clots. I am also having fewer mood swings and hot flashes.


  12. Alexis allen (verified owner)

    This LITERALLY brought back my period regularly!

    So about a year after having my son my period was just wild. My hormones were so jacked up. Fast forward June of 2023 I decided to try Lunamore. 4 months prior I was getting a period every 50 days. If your a woman you know that’s BAD lol! It should be every 26-32 days ish depending on the woman. June I took 5 drops of Lunamore. 5 was my sweet spot! 8 made me dizzy and 2 wasn’t enough. (Goats rue will lower your blood sugar so be careful). Come July 2023 I got my period. August 20 I got my period again. September 20 I got my period. Needless to say my period was coming on the 20th of EVERY MONTH since starting Lunamore! I am in February of 2024 and I literally got my period on the 19th ( a few days ago and 1 day early lol)
    STILL ON TIME!!!!! Lunamore works with regulating periods and I love it

  13. Heather (verified owner)

    I absolutely love this product! I get the worst cramping with pain that radiates down my legs. This product helps tremendously with those issues.

  14. Chanel (verified owner)

    I really love this stuff! I have PMDD and I have exhausted many products and lifestyle changes in hope to find relief and I finally decided to give Lunamore a try. I can say this is the first time in years where I am feeling like myself in my luteal phase. I’m pretty amazed and keep waiting for the other shoe to drop but I continue to wake up everyday feeling great. Usually the 10-12 days before my period are miserable. I experience intense brain fog, depression, negative thoughts, crippling anxiety and panic attacks. I am going on day 5 now and still feeling wonderful. I could honestly cry because I have been struggling so hard for so long with this and I had almost lost hope. I can’t attest on any changes with my cycle (I usually experience heavy clotting and bleeding) because I bought this at the end of my previous cycle and started it then but I can say that this is already working for what I was intending. Thank you Earthley for making this, I feel like I have my life back!

  15. Carol Jansen (verified owner)

    I’m so happy to have decided to try Lunamore. Over the last couple of years, I had been having heavy flows during that time of the month. Thankfully never too many cramps, but, after starting on Lunamore (which I take the lowest recommended dose daily & then double during my cycle), the flow has decreased drastically and cramps are basically nonexistent. I have recommended this to a few friends as well, and hope they find out how well it works too.

  16. Gaby B (verified owner)

    Luna MAGIC! I am 37 and was starting to have some funky period issues. Spotting for like a week before my period, extremely sore breasts, huge clots, irregularity. I started taking Lunamore and I’ll be honest. I was forgetting some days to take it. But about 2 weeks of taking it and my goodness. NO MORE sore breasts, shorter period duration, less clots, and no spotting! I love this tincture! And it tastes yummy too! This will forever be in my home!

  17. Brittany (verified owner)

    My periods were so irregular for months I was having two periods a month and bleeding 3 weeks out of the month. I started lunamore a few months ago and my periods have been the most regular they’ve ever been. Literally same day my period has been on these couple of months. No more painful cramping or bleeding too much. This has changed it all. So thankful for this product. I’m still taking it on a daily basis.

  18. Nichole (verified owner)

    WOW not only has this products regulated my cycles it has completely increased my sex drive. BUY THIS STUFF LADIES!!!

  19. Celeste

    My first period after my oldest was excruciating, I’d never felt a period so awful… and then my periods stayed that way until I was pregnant with our second child. So, this time I was prepared. I have sensitivities to ingredients in the postpartum tincture, so I went with this one… and my first postpartum period was phenomenal. It was still a period, but I didn’t feel my emotions were controlling me and the pain was a mild discomforts.

    Not to mention my hair has never been this thick before. My skin is glowing. I’m 28 and have a newborn, but I was told I looked 19 at the post office the other day.
    5/5 I recommend this to all women.

  20. Anna Walker (verified owner)

    I started using this 9 months ago because I’d started having some unusual menstrual cycle related issues (mid cycle bleeding, hot flashes, etc), that were new to me. I was hoping this might help. Within a one cycle of daily use of this, those symptoms had totally stopped. What shocked me though was that after 3 months of continued daily use (one dropper every night before bed), I found that as my cycles came I no longer suffered from any PMS. AT ALL. I thought at first maybe it was a coincidence, a lucky month. Nope. In the following 6 months I’ve had periods that came exactly on time, with no lead up symptoms and no symptoms during. I have recommended this strongly to the women in my life. Very pleased and will not be without it now. As a bit of a fitness and wellness junkie I’m familiar with many health supportive supplements but nothing compares to this stuff!

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