Liver Love – For Liver Health and Detox Support

130 customer reviews


Liver Love promotes liver health by supporting detox and proper function. Five simple and organic herbs in a base of water and either organic cane alcohol (alcohol formula) or organic vegetable glycerin (alcohol-free formula) create an herbal tincture brimming with liver-supporting properties.

Weight gain, fatigue, bloating, nausea, acne breakouts, frequent illnesses, and poor sleep habits are just a few signs of liver congestion. When the liver experiences congestion, it struggles to do its job and needs extra support. The liver is a critical, hard-working organ, and this herbal tincture provides 100% natural support. Enjoy relief from bloating, gas, and other liver-related pain.

Key Herbs:

ABSOLUTELY NO colors, flavors (natural or artificial), preservatives, added sugar, sodium benzoate, citric acid, acetaminophen, ibuprofen, top allergens (corn, soy, nuts, gluten, dairy, fish) or other junk!

*Tested for heavy metals by third-party labs to ensure compliance with strict safety standards.*

Scroll down to read a more in-depth description of the product, ingredients, benefits, FAQ, reviews, and more!

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The liver is one of our detox organs; it keeps us healthy in a toxin-filled world. The liver filters and removes toxins we are exposed to daily. It also regulates, converts, and removes excess hormones. We are surrounded by pollution, processed food, chemical-filled drinking water, endocrine disruptors, and more. Unfortunately, our livers bear the brunt of all and liver congestion happens.

When exposed to too many toxins, the liver may experience congestion and need extra support. Liver Love can relieve liver-related headaches, constipation, diarrhea, fatigue, nausea, and more. Take as needed or long-term to alleviate liver congestion, support detox, and protect the liver from everyday environmental stressors.


  • Anti-inflammatory properties
  • Eases bloating, gas, and bubbles after eating (especially upper right side)
  • Helps ease liver-related pain
  • Helps relieve headaches due to liver congestion
  • Promotes regularity
  • Protects and supports liver health
  • Rich in antioxidants
  • Supports natural detox

Don’t love your product? Contact us within 30 days and we’ll refund your money. The best way to reach us is through email at [email protected].


Complete Ingredients:

  • Turmeric root*
  • Milk thistle seed*
  • Dandelion root*
  • Peppermint leaf*
  • Black pepper*
  • Cane alcohol* (Original)
  • Vegetable glycerin* (Alcohol-free)
  • Filtered water

*Certified organic ingredients


Turmeric root

Milk thistle seed

Dandelion root

Peppermint leaf

Black pepper

Filtered Water


  • Ages 2 – 6: 2 – 5 drops per day
  • Kids 7 – 12: 5 – 10 drops per day
  • Adults 13+: 10 – 20 drops per day

Take 1 dropper full as needed to aid in detox-related headaches, fatigue, or other symptoms.


Safe for ages 2+.

*Use with caution while pregnant or nursing, as peppermint may cause contractions or affect milk supply (start slowly and monitor closely).

Shelf Life: 2 years.

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA, and this product is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure anything.


Q: Who can safely use Liver Love?

A: Liver Love can be used by anyone over two years old. We recommend using Liver Love cautiously while pregnant or nursing, as peppermint may cause contractions or affect milk supply.

Q: Should I take Black Liver Oil or Liver Love? Is there a difference?

A: The difference between Liver Love and Liver Oil is that Liver Love is specifically designed to focus only on the liver. Liver Oil has ingredients that are beneficial to more than just the liver. If you feel like you are not having success with one, give the other tincture a try!

Q: What is the best way to take Liver Love?

A: Liver Love can be used for daily support or as needed. For daily support, 2 – 5 drops per day (for ages 2 – 6), 5 – 10 drops per day (for ages 7 – 12), and 10 – 20 drops per day (for ages 13+). Take 1 dropper full as needed to aid in detox-related headaches, fatigue, or other symptoms. Liver Love is taken orally and can be mixed into juice, tea, or another beverage for easier consumption.

Q: How long should I take Liver Love?

A: Liver Love can be used daily or as needed for liver support during detox or when experiencing liver-related pain.

Q: Liver Love has alcohol in it; what should I do if I have liver damage from alcohol consumption?

A: Although Liver Love doesn’t contain enough alcohol to induce liver damage, some may experience sensitivity to the alcohol content. If so, we recommend selecting the alcohol-free formula from the drop-down box.

Q: Will I experience detox symptoms while taking Liver Love?

A: No, you shouldn’t. DLiver Love itself doesn’t detox the body, but it does support the liver while detoxing. If you’re looking for detox support resources, check out The #1 Detox Mistake.

Q: There is sediment at the bottom of my tincture bottle or discoloration of the dropper; what is it?

A: Since our products are made from herbs, sometimes herbal sediment isn’t completely strained. Chances are, if you notice any sediment at the bottom of the bottle or discoloration at the tip of the dropper, it’s from the herbs. As long as the product hasn’t passed the two-year shelf-life and doesn’t smell rancid, it’s still safe to use.

Q: Why does this product not have an added binder to pull out toxins?

A: This product does not need a binder because it is helping the body do what it is naturally designed to do – detox and improve liver function!

130 reviews for Liver Love – For Liver Health and Detox Support

  1. Nicole Kessler (verified owner)

    So when my son has a psoriasis flare up during the cold months between his fingers- its a sign that I need lover love! With the mix of cold weather, extra sugar and Christmas presents- liver love helps his liver detox all that stuff out!!

  2. Emmi (verified owner)

    I enjoy taking this! It’s minty and yummy. I got the alcohol free version and my child enjoys the taste as well. As to its affect, I haven’t taken it long enough to see any changes yet. I’m on a mission to help my hormones out.

  3. Tereasa Jackson (verified owner)

    I have been using Liver Love for a few months, haven’t had any issues.

  4. Jessica (verified owner)

    I haven’t been taking this long enough to see anything crazy, but I have been less bloated. I got my gallbladder removed 10 years ago and when looking up liver support supplements it said milk thistle is the main ingredient you should look for. I obviously went straight to Earthley to see what they had. I’m excited to continue taking it consistently. I just put it in my water cup in the morning and it’s easy to take.

  5. Ashlyn (verified owner)

    When my bottle of Liver Love first arrived, I began taking the recommended dose in the morning. I immediately noticed decreased bloating. That was nice, but for me it wasn’t remarkable. One week in, I experimentally began taking 20 drops before bedtime. Within the first two nights I noticed a dramatic improvement in my sleep. I slept so deeply and woke up refreshed rather than foggy and achy. My neck pain was gone, and I didn’t feel a heaviness anymore. After two years of chronic stress, this is just what my body needed. I’m two months in and wouldn’t dream of going without it.
    Thank you Earthly for such a great product!

  6. Jessica (verified owner)

    We cannot live without this tincture in our house! After living in toxic mold, I could tell my liver was very congested due to pain and other physical symptoms. My friend told me about this tincture and it has truly changed my life! It has helped me so much in the mold detox process. I used to wake up extremely itchy every morning, feel fatigued, and had a lack of appetite, just to name a few. I have now been taking liver love daily for 4 months and all of those symptoms have been resolved! I started giving it to our toddlers as well, and a lot of their symptoms have faded away as well! Thank you Earthley for amazing products!

  7. Kayla (verified owner)

    My husband was diagnosed with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. He also has chrons disease (in remission) and doctors at Mayo. When his liver counted were too high they covered all avenues to make sure it was not caused by his Crohns meds. It was determined not to be caused by his meds. He was told to lose weight when he’s average for his height. I found Liver Love and he has taken it daily for 10 weeks. He had his lab work today and his liver counts are well within normal range and have dropped 28 points since his last draw 12 weeks prior. His diet has stayed consistent to what it was prior due to his Crohns. Liver Love for the win & I cannot wait to hear what the doctor has to say!

  8. Kristi (verified owner)

    I got the alcohol free version to use along with the Candida Cleanse & Gut Health Oil tinctures. It tastes delicious and definitely gives my liver much needed support during detoxes. I take this every morning on a spoon and plan to continue taking it on a daily basis. The taste is mainly peppermint and it is something I look forward to using after the bitter taste of the Master Tonic tincture.

  9. Helena (verified owner)

    I used liver love for 21/2months and just felt confident it gave me a healthy detox!
    Love Earthley products just wish I could get it in Canada so shipping and border customs costs wouldn’t be so high

  10. Taylor G (verified owner)

    I had to have my gallbladder removed when I was a month postpartum. I purchased this for some support post surgery; I was not disappointed! It has helped me immensely.

  11. Naomi Dimambro (verified owner)

    I’ve used liver love every day for the last couple months to work on my sluggish liver and lymphatic system. It has helped me start the kick start the detoxing process before I started a 30 day parasite cleanse. I’m buying another bottle soon!

  12. Bri (verified owner)

    I recently had an emergency laparoscopic appendectomy. There was no doubt in my mind that I couldn’t trust this Earthly tincture to get me back on track. Absolutely worth trying and definitely a company you can trust.

  13. Brooke colon (verified owner)

    i recently started taking this. I never thought some of my problems could be liver related. i started reading about this tincture and actually took a hormone quiz from Earthley and this was recommended to me. i did not hesitiate to buy. i did not initially think that hormone inbalances would be linked to liver and that taking a tincture for your liver could fix any other those problems but here i am. It also states that poor sleep/ acne breakouts etc could be linked to congestied liver. This may actually help in more ways than one/ ways i had not thought about either. I strongly recommend this to give your liver some love! i am taking about 8 Earthley tinctures a day and this is one of them i will not forget!

  14. Lin Koehn (verified owner)

    I believe liver love has helped me feel better, and it is a must have for me.

  15. Maja (verified owner)

    This stuff saved my gallbladder. Doctors told me there was nothing I could do to avoid gallbladder removal. I started taking this stuff and focused on a clean diet and I haven’t had any symptoms for over a year. I started taking this tincture after realizing that all the pills I was buying was adding stress to my gallbladder and liver, I found this tincture while searching for a pure, liquid form of milks thistle and dandelion root. I’m so grateful for this product and this company.

  16. Emily (verified owner)

    I don’t have lab work to back up my claims, yet I can say from taking this tincture for the past two months I’ve noticed a huge increase in my energy levels throughout the day!

  17. Casey Van Nus (verified owner)

    I used this in tandem with the vaccine detox and both worked amazing on me and my kiddo. The flavor is not too aggressive… even my kiddo likes it!

  18. Jennifer Gillespie (verified owner)

    Great product! My son, husband and I are all taking this after bloodwork showed we needed help with the liver. We have noticed improvement in a lot of areas and am excited to get liver numbers retested. Will not be without this product!

  19. Susan

    I used liver love for six months and just felt confident it gave me a healthy detox! Ready for another!

  20. Savanna (verified owner)

    I didn’t expect to love the taste of this! Tastes like peppermint. I’ve been using this after I had issues with liver. Not sure if I have noticed any difference but will continue to use to see if i have any results. I love the simple ingredients

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