Healthy Heart – For Heart Health

123 customer reviews


Healthy Heart is an herbal supplement that supports the heart and a proper immune response. This tincture is rich in anti-inflammatory properties and vitamin C. It can help to lower blood sugar and blood pressure, increase insulin activity, and can even help with regulating blood sugar!

Naturally nourish your heart and body with the power of herbs!

Key Herbs:

ABSOLUTELY NO colors, flavors (natural or artificial), preservatives, added sugar, sodium benzoate, citric acid, acetaminophen, ibuprofen, top allergens (corn, soy, nuts, gluten, dairy, fish) or other junk!

Scroll down to read a more in-depth description of the product, ingredients, benefits, FAQ, reviews, and more!

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Healthy Heart uses herbs that are high in anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties and vitamin C to support the immune system. Combining them helps your body overcome illness, while supporting your heart’s strength.

Hawthorn berry has been used for hundreds of years to help with symptoms of heart failure, hypertension, and other heart problems. Additional health-supporting herbs like turmeric, amla berry, ceylon cinnamon, reishi mushroom, and cayenne help to increase insulin activity, lower blood sugar and blood pressure, support liver and gastrointestinal health, and more!


  • Promotes heart health
  • Can improve symptoms of heart failure, hypertension, and other heart problems
  • Supports a healthy immune response
  • Anti-inflammatory properties
  • Antioxidant properties
  • Anticancer properties
  • Supports liver health
  • Can help lower blood sugar and blood pressure
  • Rich in vitamin C
  • May increase insulin activity
  • May help with symptoms of type 2 diabetes
  • Promotes gastrointestinal health
  • Liquid benefits (vitamins and minerals are easier to digest and provide more benefits than tablets, where binders and fillers must first be broken down)

Don’t love your product? Contact us within 30 days and we’ll refund your money. The best way to reach us is through email at [email protected].


Complete Ingredients:

  • Hawthorn berry*
  • Turmeric root*
  • Amla berry*
  • Ceylon cinnamon*
  • Reishi mushroom*
  • Cayenne*
  • Vegetable glycerin*
  • Filtered water

*Certified Organic Ingredients

Supplement Facts:

Serving Size: 0.5 ml

  • 1 oz bottle servings: 60
  • 2 oz bottle servings: 120
  • 4 oz bottle servings: 240

Amount Per Serving:

  • Hawthorn berry: 30 mg
  • Turmeric root: 26 mg
  • Amla berry: 16 mg
  • Cinnamon: 15 mg
  • Reishi: 11 mg
  • Cayenne 0.7 mg


Hawthorn berry

Turmeric Root

Amla berry

Ceylon cinnamon

Reishi mushrooms


Filtered Water


Take 5 – 20 drops as needed.


Ages 2+ (due to cayenne — may be spicy for some). Safe while pregnant and breastfeeding.

Shelf life: 2 years.

This product has not been evaluated by the FDA, and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure anything. 


Q: Is Healthy Heart pregnancy and breastfeeding safe?

A: Yes it is!

: Is it safe to take daily?

A: Yes, Healthy Heart can be taken daily.

Q: Is this helpful for someone who has diabetes?

A: If you have difficulty regulating your blood sugar, you may find Healthy Heart helpful due to the ceylon cinnamon. Ceylon Cinnamon helps to lower blood sugar and may help with promoting insulin activity, so you might find it helpful to add Healthy Heart to your supplement routine!

123 reviews for Healthy Heart – For Heart Health

  1. Jaclyn Jenkins

    I tried Heart Healthy during the $5 tincture sale for inflammation. Not only is it my favorite tasting tincture but I definitely noticed a reduction in inflammation and slightly more energy while taking it.

  2. Lynn Ragali (verified owner)

    Started taking this to keep my heart healthy and have noticed less breathing issues too.

  3. Billie steiner (verified owner)

    I purchased this product at the suggestion of my niece that uses several of your products for her toddlers. My husband and I owned a Healthfood store for over 20 years and are great advocates of natural products. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve begun to have heart palpitations which haven been disturbing. Not wanting to succumb to prescription drugs, I took my niece’s suggestion and purchased Healthy Heart. After about 3 days of taking it regularly, the palpitations have stopped, and have not returned. Needless to say, I’m extremely happy, and would recommend Healthy
    Heart to anyone needing to strengthen their heart and especially for heart palpitations.

  4. Lynn Ragali (verified owner)

    Started taking this last month upon the recommendation of my naturopath. It’s so easy to take and tastes good too.

  5. Annette Howell (verified owner)

    My dad has been taking herbs and whole food since the 1970’s. He doesn’t use credit/ debit cards online so I ordered some tinctures for him when he was having cardiac testing done for lightheadedness. Healthy Heart is one of his favorites! He likes the taste and says it’s easy to take. All his tests have come back within normal range for an 85-year-old man! The only reason he gave 4 stars instead of 5 is, he says 5 implies perfection and nothing is perfect! LOL

  6. Dorene Werntz (verified owner)

    Just got Healthy Heart during the last sale because I’ve experienced chest pain and have very high cholesterol. Am hoping this will help with that. Tastes great.

  7. Alexis

    Okay so this is AMAZING! My mother back in 2017 had to have some procedures done because there were blockages forming by her heart. Arteries were tightening and closing off. Well she got on meds from a doctor and changed her diet. She started to improve id like to say because of the diet! Cut out seed oils and ate from the earth more. Fast forward to 2022 she was fed up with taking all 10000 supplements that her “natural ish” doctor had her on. She felt like he was just trying to make money off her from her buying so many of his supps. Her blood work was coming back better but not the BEST. I got her on healthy heart and a few other tinctures to help meet her needs. I swear it’s the hawthorn berry in this product. Her numbers went up WAY HIGHER to an EVEN BETTER range!! Praise God! Funny part is her doctor THINKS she’s taking that old medication from 2017 still and taking his supplements (hehe lol) he didn’t believe in earthley products but we did and LITTLE does he know earthley products are what’s helping my mom out WAY better than his junk and conventional medicine was doing! Thanks earthley! And thank you God!

  8. Jessica Babcock (verified owner)

    I bought this for my father in law because he has bad blood pressure and has had a few heart scares. I believe he’s taking his prescriptions as well as this, but he’s had a roller coaster of good highs and another scare. I got him the 1 Oz. On sale so I’m not sure if he’s run out and will continue to buy. I don’t think he’d trust it enough to get off his prescriptions, so maybe that’s the problem on why he’s not getting better.

  9. McKenna McGill


    He had been complaining about gum pain(which come to find out was actually jaw pain) for about a week. We didn’t think too much about it, and we gave him clove oil. About a week later, he was on an ambulance being told he was having a heart attack. One artery was 100% blocked, and the other was 90% blocked. They put one stent in, with the plan to put another in in a few weeks. He was prescribed 4 medications totaling over $2,000 with coupons and insurance, and we couldn’t afford it. He was told this medicine would be the only thing keeping him from going into cardiac arrest. He refused to buy it. We immediately started him on Healthy Heart Tincture. Fast forward just 3 weeks, and he has a check-up with his doctor. He now no longer needs another stent in his heart, and his blockage is down to about 80-85% blocked! Someone who was supposed to go into cardiac arrest any minute is progressing with only Healthy Heart, he hasn’t started any lifestyle changes(stubborn old men, right lol). Thank you a million times Earthley!

  10. Joanna Sowards (verified owner)

    Love, love, love this tincture for my heart. I have heart palpitations and the first time I used it, it stopped the palpitations within a few minutes. Highly recommend!

  11. Jessica R (verified owner)

    My aunt had blood pressure problems and decided to try this tincture and not take medication and now she has normal blood pressure levels.

  12. Tracy A (verified owner)

    This product has been a huge blessing to me! My blood pressure was high when I got pregnant so I was given bp medications. However even after giving birth, the doctor still wants me to continue taking the medications which I honestly wasn’t comfortable of doing. I first bought the 1oz during the tincture sale. I check my bp every single day and since taking this product and eating less sodium foods, my bp has been in normal range. I stopped taking my bp medications. I only take Healthy Heart tincture once in the morning and at night before bed. I also bought the 4oz bottle because I knew this will be my bp’s best friend. Even my husband who was skeptical at first and now he approves this product after seeing my bp readings. Thank you so much Earthley!

  13. Sara K. (verified owner)

    This really helped me tremendously, even my doctor said my heart was strong and had no concerns after using this for 2 months!

  14. Amanda p (verified owner)

    I wanna love it but I just can’t handle it. I get horrible reflux on it. I have stopped and started a few times just to make sure and it’s from this. I do think it helps heart health but the reflux just isn’t worth it. I chatted and they said some ingredients in this one can cause that.

  15. Amy Pace (verified owner)

    I began taking Healthy Heart, specifically for high blood pressure, about 4 months ago. It has made a big impact for me! My numbers were borderline, after having my first baby in 2022, and my doctors were considering starting me on blood pressure medication. Since taking this, my numbers have come back into a healthy space and I feel much better. I have a clearer head, more energy, fewer to no headaches, to name just a few things. I take it in the morning. I started with 5 drops (the lowest suggested dose) and have worked my way to to 10, which seems to be what my body needs! So thankful for this product.

  16. Kim C (verified owner)

    This Will Be a Staple for us!
    I ordered your healthy heart tincture when I realized I would not be able to renew my bp med for nearly 90 days due to no appointments available. Rather than seek to bridge my prescription, I started taking your tincture to see if I could maintain healthy readings until my appt. I’m nearly two weeks without my bp med, and take 1/3 dropper full of the tincture in the morning, then again after dinner. This afternoon, I got a reading of 120/80. I often take a reading before the tincture and after, and consistently experience a drop of the systolic and diastolic numbers. My goal is to be off the pharmaceutical—and thanks to Healthy Heart, Im beginning to believe it’s possible.

  17. kimberlyanne829 (verified owner)

    I have taken HBP prescriptions for most of my adult life. I started taking Healthy Heart two months ago, hoping that through this and other lifestyle changes, I can finally be rid of those prescriptions. As I am weaning off the medications, my blood pressure is NOT increasing and appears to be more stable right now than when I was taking higher doses of the medication. I love the taste and the simplicity of taking 10 drops in the morning and 10 drops before bed.

  18. Crystal (verified owner)

    I started taking this when I was diabetic. I lost weight and now am in the pre-diabetic range. This is my must have to help keep me healthy.

  19. Kiki (verified owner)

    I bought this for my husband who has an irregular heartbeat & electrical issues with his heart. This is something that we have added in on bad days to his regular batch of supplements. No pharma. No thank you. This does make him feel better.

  20. Jen (verified owner)

    Not sure if it’s working with lowering my cholesterol ❤️ , but have noticed my chest pain has gone away and I do love the taste. So it’s a win win on that note.

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