Feel Better Fast – For Pain, Fever, Stomach, Sniffles, and More

1399 customer reviews
Earthley Awards Earthley Awards


Minor illnesses are a part of life.  We all experience headaches, fevers, upset stomachs, sniffles, and more at some point!  But when you — or your little one — don’t feel well, who has time to search for the “best” natural remedy for each symptom?

Now you don’t have to!  Feel Better Fast is designed to gently help you feel better no matter what’s going on.  It’s a catch-all starting place to simplify using a natural remedy without endless research.  Unlike conventional remedies that suppress and “hide” symptoms (which can prolong illness), Feel Better Fast supports your body’s natural immune system so that it works more efficiently, and you return to normal…fast!  This alcohol-free formula tastes great and is safe for the whole family, 6 months+.

Key Herbs:

Feel Better Fast is the “go-to” remedy for just about anything!

ABSOLUTELY NO colors, flavors (natural or artificial), preservatives, added sugar, sodium benzoate, citric acid, acetaminophen, ibuprofen, top allergens (corn, soy, nuts, gluten, dairy, fish) or other junk!

*Tested for heavy metals by third-party labs to ensure compliance with strict safety standards.*

Scroll down to read a more in-depth description of the product, ingredients, benefits, FAQ, reviews, and more!

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Feel Better Fast combines five herbs to help support the immune system, reduce inflammation, and settle upset tummies. Unlike conventional medicines that suppress symptoms and fight against the body, our herbal tincture gently works with it to ease symptoms and allow the body to work through the illness naturally. Don’t suffer – recover quickly and healthily with Feel Better Fast! 

Shelf stable for 2 years, Feel Better Fast is perfect to have on hand for whenever the need arises. No drowsiness, nausea, or other unpleasant side effects. Safe for ages 6 months+, It’s a must-have for the whole family! 


  • Naturally supports fevers
  • Promotes immune health
  • Soothes upset tummies
  • Helps with minor pain
  • Helps to ease congestion
  • Supports respiratory health
  • Anti-inflammatory properties
  • Anti-viral properties
  • Anti-bacterial properties

Don’t love your product? Contact us within 30 days and we’ll refund your money. The best way to reach us is through email at [email protected].


Complete ingredients:

  • Echinacea Angustifolia root*
  • Fennel seed*
  • Astragalus root*
  • Elder flower*
  • Cinnamon*
  • Vegetable glycerin*
  • Filtered water

*Certified organic ingredients




Astragalus Root

Fennel Seed



  • Ages 6 months – 6 years: 2 – 5 drops
  • Ages 7 yr – 12 yr: 5 – 10 drops
  • Ages 13 yr+: 10 – 20 drops

*The 8 oz droppers pull up more volume than the smaller droppers. Approximately half of the 8 oz dropper is equal to a full dropper in the smaller sizes. Dose accordingly.

Taken orally. Can be added to tea, juice, or smoothie if that is preferred. If the first dose is not effective, more can be given after 15 – 20 minutes. Can be taken every 4 hours or as needed.


Safe for ages 6 mo+. Safe for use in pregnancy and breastfeeding.

*Use with caution if you are on blood pressure, blood clotting, or blood thinning medications, or if you have diabetes or an auto-immune disease. (Elderflower and cinnamon could be an issue with those things, but the risk is very small.)

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA, and this product is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure anything.


Q: Is this similar to acetaminophen ("Tylenol") or ibuprofen?

A: It can be used in a similar way, to help with minor pain or keep fever balanced (it won’t get rid of the fever, but may help the body from driving it too high).  But it does not work in the same way, by blocking pain.  Instead, it works with your body to help you get better.



Q: How often can I use this?

A: As needed.  Take one dose, and if there is no change in 15 – 20 minutes, take another.  Continue use every 3 – 4 hours until you are well again!  And, see below…using “too much” is not a concern, so if you need or want to take more than suggested, go ahead!


Q: Who is this for?  Who can use it?

A: This is for everyone 6 months+.  Infants, children, and adults — including pregnant and nursing women — can all use this.


Q: What if my child takes too much?  Is it dangerous?

A: Unlike OTC remedies, the herbs in this formula are not dangerous, even at high doses.  Your child could drink the bottle and there is no concern about toxicity!


Q: Can I use it alongside Tylenol or another conventional remedy?

A: With any OTC, yes.  We cannot advise on prescription drug interactions; please consult a doctor.  However, you may not need to use both!  We recommend starting with this alone (no OTCs) to see how you or your child feels.  Give it 15 – 20 minutes and follow up with other remedies if needed.


Q: Plants don't seem 'strong enough' to replace the remedies I'm used to.  Does this really work?

A: Yes!  Plants are a lot more powerful than you may know.  There are lots of studies about what they can do in our bodies.  Give this a try and see for yourself how well it works!  (And don’t forget to read the reviews!)

1399 reviews for Feel Better Fast – For Pain, Fever, Stomach, Sniffles, and More

  1. Mandalyn Witty (verified owner)

    First thing I bought from Earthley and still my favorite! This is what I reach for when I have an upset stomach, or fever , and in general when I feel anything coming on!!! Plus it’s definitely the best tasting!

  2. Liesl Sullano (verified owner)

    I am an adult and I love that I can take this and it still works. I used to be someone who drank all kinds of over the counter medicines, being someone who was a sick child. OTC medicine, prescription medicine, it was all I knew. After a time, I didn’t want that to be my life, but I didn’t know what I could do. Earthley has been a game changer for me. I got super sick in January (not the Covid scare mind you), and I survived off of FBF and Cough be Gone. They may be for kiddos, but they work just as well for adults. I felt good about my body, and it did take my standard week, but hey, one week with Earthley over one week of who knows what meds is way better.

  3. Elizabeth Walsh (verified owner)

    I haven’t needed to use this yet, but my kids have a few times and they love it! My 6 year old said it tastes like gingerbread.

  4. amanda mcadams

    I love that the flavor of this is not so bad that I can actually get my kids to take it. I feel good knowing that these ingredients are all natural and herbal.

  5. Emily Diedrich (verified owner)

    This stuff is awesome! I’ve used it when I felt a cold coming on, started to get a runny nose and the next day I was better! I also have used it on my 6 month old when he had his first cold, and it helped him recover quickly- plus he loved taking it. I will be ordering a bigger bottle for the fall/winter!

  6. Rebecca Ayers (verified owner)

    I honestly can’t remember when I first bought this. But I’m SO GLAD I did! I’ve only had to use it a handful of times, because my children/family are rarely sick. But the times I’ve had, it’s worked amazingly well. The most noticeable was helping my toddlers to not be so fussy when they weren’t feeling well. And I’ve also taken it when my stomach was upset, and it helped within 30 minutes!

  7. Candice (verified owner)

    This is a must have, we take when ever we feel the slightest change feeling a sickness coming on or right after being exposed to someone who was sick or recently vaccinated.
    It also helps fevers!! No need for ever using toxic/synthetic. Tylenol

  8. Holly Singhas (verified owner)

    Great tasting and very effective! I gave it to my 12-year-old at the morning onset of sniffles and a sore throat and he was back on the trampoline with his brothers by the afternoon. Highly recommend!

  9. HLG (verified owner)

    Our family has greatly benefited from this mixture! Anytime someone started getting sick this past year, this really helped curb the sick was when started right away.

  10. Stacy (verified owner)

    This has become my go-to product for anything. If anyone in the family is feeling a bit off, we use this and the next day that person is good to go. It’s helped with my allergies!

  11. Lauren prue (verified owner)

    I got this to keep on hand for fever or for times when we start to come down with something. The first time I used it, I’d started getting a slight cough, runny nose, & just general malaise. After about two doses, my symptoms were significantly improved & fine by the fourth dose. I’ve also found it to be extremely helpful with nausea and vomiting as well as upset stomachs. I was throwing my toenails up one evening and extremely nauseous. I decided to take this and give it a try as one of the recommended uses is for upset tummies. after about 30 mins, my symptoms were gone. This stopped my vomiting dead in its tracks. Worked 100 x better than zofra or phenergan ever has and there was no negative side effects from it.

  12. Alex (verified owner)

    I got this mid winter last season but fortunately my family just isn’t sick very often and when we are it’s over quickly. I feel better knowing I have herbal options should any of us get sick but I honestly haven’t used this product yet. Im on the fence if I should order more when this expires although odds are if I don’t have it then I’ll need it lol.

  13. Brenda Snyder (verified owner)

    I ahd ordered this and the Cough Be Gone to put with our other herbal remedies. We do not get sick very much, however a few weeks ago I had an upset feeling stomach . I thought I would give the Feel Better Fast a try . Within a half hour I was feeling better and the bloating was gone. Thank you

  14. Hannah (verified owner)

    Any time we have onset symptoms of illness, we start this right away! It stops whatever symptoms in it’s tracks. Highly recommend!!

  15. Chelsi (verified owner)

    Feel Better Fast, oh how I love thee!
    This is our family’s favorite and most used Earthley product. We love the taste as well! Any time my daughters tummy gets upset she instantly asks for Feel better Fast. I get the same way and within 5 mins of taking a dropper full I’m back to feeling good. It’s such an amazing and life saving tincture! I can’t say enough how much we love it!

  16. Courtney Keck (verified owner)

    I love how all of Earthleys products are accurately named, especially this one! (Ok, except maybe the oyster pills…those should be called Bow Chicka Bow Wow..lol) This product helps our family feel better fast from lots of ailments. We are all currently processing a cold but doing quite well thanks to Feel Better Fast! I think this product needs a 10 star option!
    Dear Earthley,
    Have I told you, lately, that I love you? Cuz I do. Your products amaze me and your vocal stance and support of medical freedom impress me. This company gets my love and support! Everyone is getting Earthley products for Christmas this year.

  17. Angela W (verified owner)

    Wednesday morning, I woke up with the same symptoms. That morning I put Immune Aid in my coffee. A few hours later I took Feel Better Fast because my body was feeling miserable and I didn’t want to take ibuprofen. It took a little while, but Feel Better Fast took away my headache and body aches. I continued to take it throughout the day as soon as symptoms started coming back. I did not take any OTC medicine.

    I woke up this morning and I am feeling about 95% better! The only thing I have lingering is a small cough every now and then. If I didn’t have the cough, I’d say I’m 100% better than I was yesterday.

  18. Jordan

    I’m so glad I have found this product! I love not having to worry about the ingredients & if I’m giving too much. If any of us are just not feeling right we take this & it works so quickly! We don’t have to use it often, but it’s nice know we have a wonderful product to help us when we need it!

  19. Katie (verified owner)

    I was so thrown off by the taste… It tastes like honey apple crisp! I could drink the whole bottle! Have been using it as preventative immune support but nice to have on hand in case of illness.

  20. BJ (verified owner)

    Feel Better Fast works like a charm! It works best when taken as soon as you start feeling something coming on. If, like me, you forget and don’t take it until full-blown sick, it also works well. It tastes good but found it tastes even better when I really need it. 🙂 I even got my husband to take it and ask for it when he’s not feeling well. A true win!!

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