Feel Better Fast – For Pain, Fever, Stomach, Sniffles, and More

1399 customer reviews
Earthley Awards Earthley Awards


Minor illnesses are a part of life.  We all experience headaches, fevers, upset stomachs, sniffles, and more at some point!  But when you — or your little one — don’t feel well, who has time to search for the “best” natural remedy for each symptom?

Now you don’t have to!  Feel Better Fast is designed to gently help you feel better no matter what’s going on.  It’s a catch-all starting place to simplify using a natural remedy without endless research.  Unlike conventional remedies that suppress and “hide” symptoms (which can prolong illness), Feel Better Fast supports your body’s natural immune system so that it works more efficiently, and you return to normal…fast!  This alcohol-free formula tastes great and is safe for the whole family, 6 months+.

Key Herbs:

Feel Better Fast is the “go-to” remedy for just about anything!

ABSOLUTELY NO colors, flavors (natural or artificial), preservatives, added sugar, sodium benzoate, citric acid, acetaminophen, ibuprofen, top allergens (corn, soy, nuts, gluten, dairy, fish) or other junk!

*Tested for heavy metals by third-party labs to ensure compliance with strict safety standards.*

Scroll down to read a more in-depth description of the product, ingredients, benefits, FAQ, reviews, and more!

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Feel Better Fast combines five herbs to help support the immune system, reduce inflammation, and settle upset tummies. Unlike conventional medicines that suppress symptoms and fight against the body, our herbal tincture gently works with it to ease symptoms and allow the body to work through the illness naturally. Don’t suffer – recover quickly and healthily with Feel Better Fast! 

Shelf stable for 2 years, Feel Better Fast is perfect to have on hand for whenever the need arises. No drowsiness, nausea, or other unpleasant side effects. Safe for ages 6 months+, It’s a must-have for the whole family! 


  • Naturally supports fevers
  • Promotes immune health
  • Soothes upset tummies
  • Helps with minor pain
  • Helps to ease congestion
  • Supports respiratory health
  • Anti-inflammatory properties
  • Anti-viral properties
  • Anti-bacterial properties

Don’t love your product? Contact us within 30 days and we’ll refund your money. The best way to reach us is through email at [email protected].


Complete ingredients:

  • Echinacea Angustifolia root*
  • Fennel seed*
  • Astragalus root*
  • Elder flower*
  • Cinnamon*
  • Vegetable glycerin*
  • Filtered water

*Certified organic ingredients




Astragalus Root

Fennel Seed



  • Ages 6 months – 6 years: 2 – 5 drops
  • Ages 7 yr – 12 yr: 5 – 10 drops
  • Ages 13 yr+: 10 – 20 drops

*The 8 oz droppers pull up more volume than the smaller droppers. Approximately half of the 8 oz dropper is equal to a full dropper in the smaller sizes. Dose accordingly.

Taken orally. Can be added to tea, juice, or smoothie if that is preferred. If the first dose is not effective, more can be given after 15 – 20 minutes. Can be taken every 4 hours or as needed.


Safe for ages 6 mo+. Safe for use in pregnancy and breastfeeding.

*Use with caution if you are on blood pressure, blood clotting, or blood thinning medications, or if you have diabetes or an auto-immune disease. (Elderflower and cinnamon could be an issue with those things, but the risk is very small.)

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA, and this product is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure anything.


Q: Is this similar to acetaminophen ("Tylenol") or ibuprofen?

A: It can be used in a similar way, to help with minor pain or keep fever balanced (it won’t get rid of the fever, but may help the body from driving it too high).  But it does not work in the same way, by blocking pain.  Instead, it works with your body to help you get better.



Q: How often can I use this?

A: As needed.  Take one dose, and if there is no change in 15 – 20 minutes, take another.  Continue use every 3 – 4 hours until you are well again!  And, see below…using “too much” is not a concern, so if you need or want to take more than suggested, go ahead!


Q: Who is this for?  Who can use it?

A: This is for everyone 6 months+.  Infants, children, and adults — including pregnant and nursing women — can all use this.


Q: What if my child takes too much?  Is it dangerous?

A: Unlike OTC remedies, the herbs in this formula are not dangerous, even at high doses.  Your child could drink the bottle and there is no concern about toxicity!


Q: Can I use it alongside Tylenol or another conventional remedy?

A: With any OTC, yes.  We cannot advise on prescription drug interactions; please consult a doctor.  However, you may not need to use both!  We recommend starting with this alone (no OTCs) to see how you or your child feels.  Give it 15 – 20 minutes and follow up with other remedies if needed.


Q: Plants don't seem 'strong enough' to replace the remedies I'm used to.  Does this really work?

A: Yes!  Plants are a lot more powerful than you may know.  There are lots of studies about what they can do in our bodies.  Give this a try and see for yourself how well it works!  (And don’t forget to read the reviews!)

1399 reviews for Feel Better Fast – For Pain, Fever, Stomach, Sniffles, and More

  1. Sarah Dockendorf (verified owner)

    We love this stuff!! Tastes good and the name says it all!! Feel Better Fast!!

  2. Kaitlin SB (verified owner)

    I bought this in December and we had our first illness in the household since then and I’m sad to say I don’t think this had any effect. I have a really bad cold and I’ve been taking it in water several times a day and my cold has lasted a week now with no improvement. I’m pretty disappointed as I had high hopes for Earthley and specifically this product based on the reviews.

  3. Annie (verified owner)

    This is a must have in our health cabinet. My son came down with a 102 fever and I immediately put this in elderberry syrup for him. By evening the fever was 99. I have another dose at bedtime with elderberry and magnesium. By morning there was no fever and he felt great. A week later and I’ve developed body aches and started on it this morning. It really is helping already. And it even tastes good!

  4. Katie (verified owner)

    Does not work. My daughter had a cold a couple weeks ago and did nothing. My 4 kids just got the stomach bug and I thought yay ok this will work for the stomach flu…but it again has done nothing. Disappointing. I’m sure my review won’t be posted as there’s so many dishonest companies nowadays but I’ll try anyway.

    • Earthley (verified owner)

      Hi Katie,

      We publish all reviews from actual customers, positive or not. We also offer a 30-day money-back guarantee, so if you are dissatisfied, please reach out to [email protected] and we will take care of you.

  5. Casey (verified owner)

    An absolute lifesaver!!!! I am so thankful I had this sticker for when my infant got sick. I was almost in tears thinking of how grateful I was for this stuff and this company!! Thank you thank you! I used this and the Cough Be Gone for my 10 month old battling the flu and possible rsv.

  6. Heidi

    After four days of pain that ibuprofen could only take the edge off, I finally reached for my Feel Better Fast bottle, and in 20 minutes I finally had full relief. Why I still reach for that OTC bottle is beyond me. This will be a staple in my medicine cabinet going further. Thank you!

  7. Maddie

    My 1 year old is around a lot of kids who are always getting sick. She has been sick multiple times but I give this to her throughout the day and she is only sick for a day or two, while the other kids are out for multiple days or a week. My husband and I also take this and it has kept us both healthy! And it tastes great, my infant enjoys it as well.

  8. Janessa Gojkovich (verified owner)

    I’ve been using a few products for months now. The other day was my first time using the feel better fast tincture and I swear it’s magic!! I felt run down and the hint of fever coming so I took some. Within half an hour I was feeling so much better! Since then I’ve gotten most of my employees to take it; two of which have made purchases of their own. I send this info to everyone and anyone who mentions they’re not feeling well because I’ve yet to find something that doesn’t work. I’ve been taking the elderberry almost every single night for a couple of months and I am pretty sure it’s held off any sickies that have been going around the office. The power of REAL ingredients is amazing!

  9. Kendra Yates (verified owner)

    My 11 month old was constipated for 3 days as soon as our earthley order came in I have him some feel better fast and an hour later he poops. And his mood immediately changed.

  10. Samara Batt (verified owner)

    I used this with my 2.5 year old son when he woke up heaving this morning. A few drops under the tongue and he’s still sleeping without another episode. He said his tummy felt better almost immediately and he’s nursed multiple times in between! I am amazed and hope it knocked out any chance of progression.

  11. Nia (verified owner)

    I started taking this when my hubby developed a cold. His symptoms were very active when he began taking this product. I also gave myself the drops to prevent me from getting sick. It worked wonderfully! Also, my hubby was better within a few days too. Highly recommend to keep this product on hand the first sign of not feeling well. It’s a must! & the taste isn’t terrible either.

  12. carolyn

    this tastes soo good! i take it everytime my husband starts getting sick and make him take it too.

  13. Bria Unique (verified owner)

    I was literally giving this to my son for like a week straight. He’s 7 months and was going through his teething stage last Sunday. The bottle says it helps with fever and pains so I thought it would be perfect. I kept him home with me on Monday. On Tuesday he went back to daycare and came home with a cough and by Wednesday he had a bit of a running nose. I was giving him Feel Better Fast since Sunday, so I’m confused how he ended up getting sick when FBF was already in his system.. I really wanted to like this stuff because I enjoy taking herbs myself and been taking them for years, so I was excited I found something natural to give to my son. I wish I could say something good, but I just don’t see a difference like other people say. Sadly I had to give my son OTC medicine to help with his cough.

  14. Yelena Hulko (verified owner)

    This is the first product I tried from Earthly and I saw results instantly. Since then, I do not hesitate to try any other products from Earthly. Its my first choice for almost any ache or concern. I began using it two years with my first child. Both my kids love it and are eager to take some. I take it myself for any colds and even say results for a terrible stomach ache. I also gave it to my sister with tea and honey who gets really bad chronic colds during the winter. From two ises she was feeling better the following morning which was amazing die to how long it usually takes her to get better.

  15. Christi F. (verified owner)

    This stuff is amazing! My teenagers brought home a nasty cold from school. I tried keeping them separate from my 3 year old and I and ordered this right away. I am 37 weeks pregnant and cannot get sick right now. 2 days ago my 3 year old started sneezing and then yesterday she woke up sick. This morning I started to feel ill as well. This came in the mail today and we both immediately took it. Infelt almost instantly better and my daughter’s very runny nose was gone. I could not believe it! This stuff is worth it’s weight in gold!

  16. Katherine Anton (verified owner)

    This is the best! We use.it.forEvRYTHING. Tummy aches mostly. My daughter had a horrible cough that turned into a moderate fever. Using this helped tremendously. I noticed she felt better after a dose. The fever also came down throughout the day without the use of fever reducers.

  17. Katherine Anton

    The best!!

  18. Simone (verified owner)

    I bought this a couple months ago to stock up for the colder weather. Our 5 year old son got sick with a cold the other day and my throat started to get a little scratchy. I started giving this to him and started taking it myself and he was 90% better by the time he went to bed the same day he was sick and my throat scratchiness went away completely. I got some mild body aches and mild fatigue but I never actually got sick at all. My other half who did not take this like we did is full blown sick right now. I am astounded by how amazing this stuff actually works and am so grateful to have this as a tool in my medicine cabinet now!!

  19. Leslie (verified owner)

    ohh my this stuff is awesome! i first tried this on my daughter cause she had a slight stomachache she said it helped, but i am not going to lie i was questioning alot like does this stuff actually work? but once i got my period i am not going to lie it helped, i also dranked some tea right after but i loved that i didn’t have to use any of the bad pills i use to take. i did feel i had to take some again as the pain came back but i drank more tea and took a hot shower and pain completely gone! my son also got sick with a fever i kid you not that’s when they were really put to the test as i bought other products from earthley and i literally just used the feel better fast and the elderberry elixir, vitamin d cream and gave him water and it was gone! gone! i had tylenol on hand (dye free) my targets didn’t have any other like genexa and i didn’t reach for it not once! love this so much!

  20. Rebecca Shour (verified owner)

    Daughter was feeling sick and woke up with a fever. By the end of the day using this and the immune she was nearly 10%! I also got some food poisoning the same day and tok this once and immediately felt relief! SO thankful to have this onhand. I need it in bulk! haha

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