Candida Cleanse – For Fighting Yeast and Parasites

127 customer reviews


Candida and yeast overgrowth impact 1 in 3 Americans and can harm the gut flora. If you’re struggling with fatigue, digestive problems, oral thrush, UTIs, or yeast infections, you may have candida overgrowth. Unresolved gut flora damage can lead to parasitic infections, leaky gut, and other gut health concerns.

Candida Cleanse combines eight simple and organic ingredients to create a tincture with antifungal, gut-repairing, and liver-protecting properties. This tincture naturally fights yeast while bringing your gut flora back into balance. A balanced gut flora decreases the chance of additional gut health concerns and encourages better overall health and wellness outcomes.

Key Herbs: 

  • Whole Cloves – protects against colorectal cancer
  • Turmeric Root – anti-inflammatories properties, protects the liver, anti-fungal
  • Cinnamon – reduces the risk of and mediates symptoms of metabolic syndrome
  • Milk Thistle Seed – liver-protecting properties
  • Calendula Flowers – antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties
  • Black Pepper – for optimal nutrient absorption, promotes gut health

ABSOLUTELY NO synthetic ingredients, preservatives, fillers, artificial colors, added sugars, common allergens, emulsifiers, GMOs, or other unsafe ingredients!

Scroll down to read a more in-depth description of the product, ingredients, benefits, FAQ, reviews, and more!

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Many people are struggling with gut health, yeast overgrowth, and potential parasites. Candida Cleanse was created to help fight yeast naturally to bring your gut health back into balance.

Mainstream candida-specific products on the market are harsh, can possibly cause harm if they are used incorrectly, and most aren’t safe for children. Candida Cleanse is different! We use safe, common herbs that have a long history of use against both yeast and parasites. The herbs we use are anti-fungal, gut-repairing, and liver-protecting. Looking for topical support for yeast problems? Try No More Yeast Salve


  • Anti-inflammatory properties
  • Antibacterial properties
  • Antifungal and anti-candida properties
  • Antiparasitic properties
  • Helps fight yeast/candida overgrowth
  • Supports and protects liver health
  • Promotes gut health
  • 6 herbs
  • Liquid benefits (vitamins and minerals are easier to digest and provide more benefits than
    tablets, where binders and fillers must first be broken down)

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  • Ages 2 – 12 years: 1 – 2 drops daily, slowly building up over time.  Max dose daily: 20 drops (1 ml)
  • Ages 13+ years: 2 – 5 drops daily, slowly building up over time.  Max dose daily: 20 drops (1 ml)


Safe for ages 2+. Not recommended in pregnancy. Caution while breastfeeding.

Shelf Life: 2 years.

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA, and this product is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure anything.


Q: How long should I take Candida Cleanse?

A: At least six weeks, but you can use it for as long as you feel necessary. Everyone’s needs will be different. Some people do a candida protocol every few months, while some find long-term usage is what they need. Others choose to address active symptoms and discontinue after symptoms have resolved.

Q: Will I experience detox symptoms while taking Candida Cleanse?

A: You may. Remember to start slowly, with as few as 1 – 2 drops per day (for ages 2 – 12) and 2 – 5 drops (for 13 and up), increasing slowly to avoid overwhelming detox symptoms. If you’re looking for detox support resources, check out The #1 Detox Mistake.

Q: What is the best way to take Candida Cleanse?

A: Candida Cleanse is taken orally and can be mixed into juice, tea, or another beverage for easier consumption.

Q: Should I change my diet while using Candida Cleanse?

A: If candida overgrowth is a common problem for you, dietary changes may be the missing puzzle piece. We recommend focusing on an anti-candida diet but keep the key mistake in an anti-candida diet in mind.

Q: Is Candida Cleanse safe while breastfeeding?

A: Candida Cleanse is safe to use while breastfeeding. We recommend monitoring closely for undesirable detox symptoms in your baby while breastfeeding. Detox symptoms in a baby include extra fussiness, diarrhea, rash, etc.

Q: There is sediment at the bottom of my tincture bottle or discoloration of the dropper; what is it?

A: Since our products are made from herbs, sometimes herbal sediment isn’t completely strained. Chances are, if you notice any sediment at the bottom of the bottle or discoloration at the tip of the dropper, it’s from the herbs. As long as the product hasn’t passed the two-year shelf-life and doesn’t smell rancid, it’s still safe to use.

Q: Is Candida Cleanse safe while pregnant?

A: Candida cleanse is not recommended during pregnancy because we recommend a more gentle detox while pregnant. If you are looking to improve gut health or help your body detox while pregnant, we would recommend our Gut Health Oil or Liver Love tinctures.

Q: Do I need to take a binder with this?

A: This product does not need a binder because it is helping the body do what it is naturally designed to do – detox and improve the gut!

127 reviews for Candida Cleanse – For Fighting Yeast and Parasites

  1. Alyssa (verified owner)

    I tried this a couple of months after my third baby was born (3 C-sections!)
    I had some random yeasty spots on my underarms that I just couldn’t get to go away until I tried this. I’m sure the antibiotics given during delivery messed with my gut even when taking probiotics. I did experience some slight symptoms – headache and tiredness after the first day. I will say that the taste is horrible, but I expected it to be. It does everything that it claims to do, so I will take the bad taste any day! I would recommend.

  2. Nicole (verified owner)

    TMI but…Works well if you suffer from vaginal yeast infections and BV, I have chronic BV and nothing fixes it. I tried this and within a day it took any off putting smells away which is crazy to me. I don’t want to go into too much detail but if you suffer from BV you know the smell and this makes it smell like water or slightly musty, which is a world of a difference!

  3. Jessica (verified owner)

    After toxic mold exposure, our 3 year old daughter was struggling with recurrent yeast infections. I remembered I had Candida cleanse on hand and immediately started giving it to her. Within 3 days, she had no more itching or foul odor! Just recently, we had a stomach bug and I could tell her gut bacteria was thrown off because she started to have signs of a yeast infection again. After giving her this tincture and gut health oil daily, within 4 days she had no more signs of a yeast infection! She even told me she felt better!

  4. AM (verified owner)

    This is working! I am taking this along with the Gut Oil every night. It’s doing what it says. I felt the Herx Effect, so I had to back off and take less drops, less often. I had to take a strong multi-strain Probiotic every morning without fail to counteract the biofilms breaking down. I am going to read the gut health guide thoroughly this time to make sure I follow the protocol, and to have success. I am grateful for the information, and excellent products!

  5. Heidi MacRae (verified owner)

    I love this product! It has helped my gut & mysterious rash where nothing else seemed to work. I give it 5 stars

  6. Herbalmama714

    Only thing that has helped with thrush, and yeast infections for myself and my kids! I swear it works but take in slowly or you’ll be running to the bathroom!

  7. Brianne Villanueva (verified owner)

    My son is 2 1/2, and has struggled with yeast issues pretty much all of his life. He had tinea versicolor and really bad eczema patches, so I started him on Candida Cleanse, along with Liver Love and a probiotic. After about 8 weeks, the eczema patches are gone and his skin color is back to normal. I am so, so thankful for this product!

  8. Leah Behymer (verified owner)

    I bought this because I know I have yeast overgrowth and was trying to take care it myself, however I got cellulitis within 2 days of taking this. I had to stop immediately.

  9. LM (verified owner)

    My husband struggled with candida over 20 years. When I was first introduced to Earthley, I knew we needed to clean up our gut health. I decided to start him on Candida Cleanse. Within the first several days of taking 1 drop, he started with a rash on his arms. Unbeknownst to us, he was majorly struggling with candida. We saw our PCP who prescribed an antifungal for 2 weeks. My husband lost 20 pounds in 2 weeks due to killing the yeast growing in his gut. We started seeing a Naturopath to get to the root of the issue. Candida Cleanse worked exactly as it should and helped my husband to a healthier path in life.

  10. Anna (verified owner)

    This product works! Follow the directions and it’ll help with your candida symptoms!

  11. Andrea R (verified owner)

    I’ve been using for about a month and within a week I could already tell a big difference! Love this stuff!

  12. Mackenzie (verified owner)

    Now that I’m in my mid 30s I’ve been struggling with hormone issues and reoccurring yeast infections. Within 3 days of taking this my yeast infection symptoms were non-existent. By the end of the week my cravings for sugar were gone and I felt more clarity mentally.

  13. Sarah (verified owner)

    We’ve struggled with clearing up ringworm and within 3 days of starting this you could already see a difference!

  14. Miriah Sachs (verified owner)

    Just purchased this product for chronic candida I have suffered with for years after EBV. Very excited to try it and hopeful for relief. I have used the No More Yeast Salve for a couple years now and it is the only thing that gives me symptom relief. Hoping that this will finally address the root cause and I won’t need it anymore though.

  15. Rosie Lynch (verified owner)

    This stuff is potent. I’m sure it’s effective because it, combined with the antifungal nipple cream, helped me eradicate a nasty case of thrush that had plagued my 2 breastfeeding babies and I for over 3 months, whereas 2 rounds of Flucanozole and Nystatin failed to do the trick. I believe this stuff helps eradicate biofilm too. I just wish there was more clarity about how to safely take it while nursing because I was worried it was gonna hurt my newborn but I was out of other options. Also need to be mindful of die-off reactions either way– I had some really urgent bathroom trips coupled with stomach cramps, nausea, and body aches one time when I overdid it!

  16. Tiffany W

    I was searching for natural products due to a series of health issues that continued to be undiagnosed. I had been to numerous doctors- family doctor, gastroenterologist, allergist, pulmonologist, cardiologist; had spent tons of money on their recommended tests, all to be left with unanswered questions and continued issues with breathing, bloating and stomach discomfort after eating.

    I kept seeing the Earthley ads in my Instagram feed and decided to try it out. After one month of taking the Candida Cleanse coupled with the Gut Health Oil and Nourish Her Naturally, the breathing issues have been almost completely resolved. I can’t express how happy I am to feel better again and to know that I can feel this way without taking harmful prescriptions that deteriorate my health in so many other ways. I’m so thankful to have clicked the link and started a path back to health and even happier to be prescription free

  17. Cody Hakenson (verified owner)

    I have had oral thrush for 3 solid years absolutely nothing has worked NOTHING. It got so bad my lips developed angler cheletis very very bad, both corners were cracked. My saliva was sticky and I couldn’t produce any whatsoever. I lost my confidence and hated life because even docters couldn’t prescribe me anything that worked. In the 7 days i have started taking this, this is what changes ive seen. Lips completely healed 100% no cracks or scabs in corners anymore. Oral thrush is 60-75% gone. I finally produce salvia and constantly and even my skin is 100% better looking. Will use this until i die. Gave me my confidence back and my brain is 100% more clear. Your gonna think it doesnt work but wait after 3-4 days and youll see a major change.

  18. Eva Faalogo (verified owner)

    This stuff works! But… be ready for the herxing symptoms. Hours after taking it I was in bed unable to get up. I was so fatigued and felt ill! I thought I was coming down with something and did not think it had anything to do with the tincture. The next day I was fine and wondered what could’ve caused my symptoms. Took the tincture a second time and the symptoms came back! Realized it was the tincture and needed something to help carry out the toxins, etc. It does the job, but just make sure you are ready with something to flush out the bad stuff! Better out than in, right?!

  19. Amber T.

    I have been using this product consistently for two months now and am loving the results. After the first week, if that, of using the product, the numbness in my feet and legs completely went away and has not returned. I love all of Earthley’s products but this product specially helped give me back my sense of normalcy.

  20. blkhawkmansfield (verified owner)

    I just got this in the mail today! Just took some. I have eczema, gut issues, & get the occassional yeast infection especially around my period time. I got this to go along with the “No more Yeast salve” so I can take this to work from the inside out while the salve is working on the outside. This had great reviews & I decided to purchase to heal my issues. U can really taste the cloves & cinnamon. I love to be able to know what is in what Im taking! Thank you once again Earthly for all your natural products!

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