Candida Cleanse – For Fighting Yeast and Parasites

127 customer reviews


Candida and yeast overgrowth impact 1 in 3 Americans and can harm the gut flora. If you’re struggling with fatigue, digestive problems, oral thrush, UTIs, or yeast infections, you may have candida overgrowth. Unresolved gut flora damage can lead to parasitic infections, leaky gut, and other gut health concerns.

Candida Cleanse combines eight simple and organic ingredients to create a tincture with antifungal, gut-repairing, and liver-protecting properties. This tincture naturally fights yeast while bringing your gut flora back into balance. A balanced gut flora decreases the chance of additional gut health concerns and encourages better overall health and wellness outcomes.

Key Herbs: 

  • Whole Cloves – protects against colorectal cancer
  • Turmeric Root – anti-inflammatories properties, protects the liver, anti-fungal
  • Cinnamon – reduces the risk of and mediates symptoms of metabolic syndrome
  • Milk Thistle Seed – liver-protecting properties
  • Calendula Flowers – antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties
  • Black Pepper – for optimal nutrient absorption, promotes gut health

ABSOLUTELY NO synthetic ingredients, preservatives, fillers, artificial colors, added sugars, common allergens, emulsifiers, GMOs, or other unsafe ingredients!

Scroll down to read a more in-depth description of the product, ingredients, benefits, FAQ, reviews, and more!

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Many people are struggling with gut health, yeast overgrowth, and potential parasites. Candida Cleanse was created to help fight yeast naturally to bring your gut health back into balance.

Mainstream candida-specific products on the market are harsh, can possibly cause harm if they are used incorrectly, and most aren’t safe for children. Candida Cleanse is different! We use safe, common herbs that have a long history of use against both yeast and parasites. The herbs we use are anti-fungal, gut-repairing, and liver-protecting. Looking for topical support for yeast problems? Try No More Yeast Salve


  • Anti-inflammatory properties
  • Antibacterial properties
  • Antifungal and anti-candida properties
  • Antiparasitic properties
  • Helps fight yeast/candida overgrowth
  • Supports and protects liver health
  • Promotes gut health
  • 6 herbs
  • Liquid benefits (vitamins and minerals are easier to digest and provide more benefits than
    tablets, where binders and fillers must first be broken down)

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  • Ages 2 – 12 years: 1 – 2 drops daily, slowly building up over time.  Max dose daily: 20 drops (1 ml)
  • Ages 13+ years: 2 – 5 drops daily, slowly building up over time.  Max dose daily: 20 drops (1 ml)


Safe for ages 2+. Not recommended in pregnancy. Caution while breastfeeding.

Shelf Life: 2 years.

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA, and this product is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure anything.


Q: How long should I take Candida Cleanse?

A: At least six weeks, but you can use it for as long as you feel necessary. Everyone’s needs will be different. Some people do a candida protocol every few months, while some find long-term usage is what they need. Others choose to address active symptoms and discontinue after symptoms have resolved.

Q: Will I experience detox symptoms while taking Candida Cleanse?

A: You may. Remember to start slowly, with as few as 1 – 2 drops per day (for ages 2 – 12) and 2 – 5 drops (for 13 and up), increasing slowly to avoid overwhelming detox symptoms. If you’re looking for detox support resources, check out The #1 Detox Mistake.

Q: What is the best way to take Candida Cleanse?

A: Candida Cleanse is taken orally and can be mixed into juice, tea, or another beverage for easier consumption.

Q: Should I change my diet while using Candida Cleanse?

A: If candida overgrowth is a common problem for you, dietary changes may be the missing puzzle piece. We recommend focusing on an anti-candida diet but keep the key mistake in an anti-candida diet in mind.

Q: Is Candida Cleanse safe while breastfeeding?

A: Candida Cleanse is safe to use while breastfeeding. We recommend monitoring closely for undesirable detox symptoms in your baby while breastfeeding. Detox symptoms in a baby include extra fussiness, diarrhea, rash, etc.

Q: There is sediment at the bottom of my tincture bottle or discoloration of the dropper; what is it?

A: Since our products are made from herbs, sometimes herbal sediment isn’t completely strained. Chances are, if you notice any sediment at the bottom of the bottle or discoloration at the tip of the dropper, it’s from the herbs. As long as the product hasn’t passed the two-year shelf-life and doesn’t smell rancid, it’s still safe to use.

Q: Is Candida Cleanse safe while pregnant?

A: Candida cleanse is not recommended during pregnancy because we recommend a more gentle detox while pregnant. If you are looking to improve gut health or help your body detox while pregnant, we would recommend our Gut Health Oil or Liver Love tinctures.

Q: Do I need to take a binder with this?

A: This product does not need a binder because it is helping the body do what it is naturally designed to do – detox and improve the gut!

127 reviews for Candida Cleanse – For Fighting Yeast and Parasites

  1. Chantal McDougal (verified owner)

    I just started using this so I can’t say for sure how well it’s working but my children both seem to handle taking it without any issues. It is quite hot so I was concerned they wouldn’t tolerate it but they have been.

  2. BrittanyW (verified owner)

    It’s spicy. I usually get gassy (sorry tmi) about 24hours or so after taking it. I have notice my eczema improved and I’m better at digesting gluten.

  3. Leah

    I battle ph imbalance/recurring yeast issues. I’ve noticed this helping when I take it during flare-ups. As all herbal remedies, be consistent and don’t give up! Fair warning- it doesn’t taste good, but I do believe it works.

  4. Julie (verified owner)

    Was excited to add this to my gut health regimen, especially for my kids. They will all take it, which is huge!

  5. Kristin Ritter (verified owner)

    Taste is strong so I always have water ready to take with it to swallow it down. Started very slowly and have worked up to 4 drops. No harsh detox symptoms so I appreciate how gentle it is. I know I have a long way to go, but I’m seeing results already.

  6. Melissa T

    I am so glad I ordered this one! I followed the directions to start with 3 drops and slowly increase and combine it with Liver Love. If I start having headaches or other stronger detox symptoms, I back off a few drops and build up again. I’m a few weeks in and definitely feeling better! I have some embarrassing nail fungus that definitely seems to be improving. Saved me from having to buy $100+ “generic” prescription!!! Thank you Earthley 😀

  7. Nan Guidi (verified owner)

    I’ve only been using this a few weeks, so I haven’t noticed a huge difference, however I am not using my No More Yeast salve EVERY DAY like I was. It’s more like every other day, so that’s a good start.

  8. Victoria Burleigh (verified owner)

    I just started using this about a week ago & although the taste isn’t the best it seems to be helping!!! This leaves me feeling healthy & like I’m taking a step in the right direction!

  9. Sherlynn (verified owner)

    It’s super “spicy” says my 4YO. Have just started it as part of the protocol to detox so haven’t noticed much difference yet.

  10. Julie Austin (verified owner)

    I have trouble with a yeast infection in a fold of my skin. I am using Candida Cleanse to help rid my body of the extra candida. I take it at night and it is strong, I only use 5 drops at night and so far it is helping so I think it is helpful.

  11. lexesq_11 (verified owner)

    I barely started using this product for a week and I’ve notice a slight change so far I def will continue to use it because all the products I have used from earthly have been great to use I love something natural not having to worry of a side affect.

  12. Ashley

    I’ve been using this for my 3.5 year old daughter that has candida overgrowth. She doesn’t love the taste but she washes it down with something to drink. I feel we are seeing good changes so far.

  13. Monica (verified owner)

    I started using Candida Cleanse after learning that my eczema could be caused from yeast overgrowth. I am happy to report that not only has it cleared up, it hasn’t returned since stopping the cleanse! So thankful for these amazing products.

  14. Cassandra Brill (verified owner)

    This is some amazing stuff—I’ve been using it for a few years now and can tell when I slack off for a while. I notice I don’t crave/enjoy the taste of sweet food when taking this. Be warned, though—you MUST slowly increase the number of drops you take.

  15. Danielle (verified owner)

    After self-diagnosing a Candida overgrowth in my gut I started the Earthley Candida protocol. The Candida cleanse was part of that protocol and not only did it help clear up some skin conditions (acne, yeasty skin rashes, etc.) but it also took away my Candida overgrowth symptoms (hunger, cravings, mood swings, never feeling full, abdominal cramping, diarrhea, among others) and I lost 14 pounds (likely from the carb/sugar free diet utilized during the cleanse). My gut health has never been better after that cleanse!

  16. Rachel Gray (verified owner)

    My OBGyn gave me a prescription for diflucan due to a yeast infection. I thought I would give this a try first. I have only been using it for a couple days. I am hoping it works well. It has a very strong taste and smell, but not unbearable. I haven’t taken it long enough yet to notice a change. I will update my review after a few weeks.

  17. Anna (verified owner)

    I’ve had this in my cabinet for a while, but only started taking it when dealing with a recurring yeast infection. No joke, I had relief by day two. I took the recommended dose for 7 days and everything cleared up. I’m so impressed by this product!

  18. Cristina cojocari

    I love the gut healing tinctures! We actually saw results!!! It’s really good for parasites and gut healing!!! Also the gut health oil is a really good one too!! If u do a detox do this one and gut oil and vaccine detox!!
    Our whole family is taking this!! We saw results after a few days
    It was flu like symptoms but than it went always with probiotics life 9 from young living!! So don’t be scared and do not stop if you get bad symptoms! U will get better after u have a healthy gut!

  19. Connie Zgavec (verified owner)

    I used this after I was prescribed antibiotics since I usually end up with a yeast infection after. It worked great. No problem with yeast overgrowth. The flavor is very strong. Thank goodness you only have to take a few drops. I wish it came in an alcohol free version that tasted better.

  20. Ashley Stowell

    I have had recurring yeast infections with my menstrual cycle since I had my last child. I started using Candida Cleanse every morning about 4 months ago and haven’t had a yeast infection for almost 3 months now. It’s a little spicy, but I love the results from using it. Well worth the purchase.

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