Anxiety Relief – For Nervousness and Anxious Feelings

179 customer reviews


Anxiety Relief is formulated to calm the body and improve mood without unwanted side effects. Naturally, support hormones, like cortisol (the stress hormone) while reducing feelings of stress and anxiety! Anxiety Relief can help relieve stress, improve mental clarity, decrease mild insomnia, and more!

Anxiety comes in so many ways. At some point, we all feel it to some degree. Tired but restless. Nervous but impatient. Ready for an adventure but also want to run for the door? Many people feel conflicted by feeling anxious. While it is stressful, know that it is something we all feel sometimes.

When the body is stressed, the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) contributes to what is known as the “fight or flight” response. The fight, flight, or freeze response is an evolved survival mechanism that protects us from perceived threats. Unfortunately, the body can also overreact to everyday stressors, making many of us stuck in fight-or-flight mode. You don’t have to push through or ignore your feelings. Give Anxiety Relief a try!

Key Herbs:

  • St. John’s Wort – used for its ability to help lessen depression symptoms
  • Ashwagandha – helps with anxiety and stress
  • Chamomile – an age-old remedy for stress and anxiety
  • Catnip – provides a calming effect, mild sedative
  • Lavender – anti-anxiety and anti-stress properties

ABSOLUTELY NO synthetic ingredients, preservatives, fillers, artificial colors, added sugars, common allergens, emulsifiers, GMOs, or other unsafe ingredients!

Scroll down to read a more in-depth description of the product, ingredients, benefits, FAQ, reviews, and more!

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NOTE: CLEARANCE option is discounted due to excessive chamomile sediment that could cause texture variation.


Stress. Something is bound to have us stressed, whether it’s school, work, kids, relationships, or the neverending inflation. We all have stress, but the question is: are we coping with it appropriately to ensure it’s not building up and doing our body harm?

Aside from everyday stressors, we sometimes deal with particularly high-stress situations, such as the death of a loved one, long-term emotional abuse, chronic illness, or job loss. The variety of stressors can keep our cortisol levels up all day, resulting in difficulties calming down after high-stress situations, becoming easily stressed, or even more prone to anxiety.

Imagine feeling calm, maybe even happy, without drowsiness or other unpleasant side effects. It can be achieved with Anxiety Relief! This herbal extract is full of adaptogenic herbs that help the body manage stress and remain calmer. Adaptogen benefit adrenal function, and healthy adrenals promote a healthier stress response. Combine adaptogens with gentle, relaxing, and calming herbs, and you have a recipe for a good day!


  • Adaptogenic herbs
  • Anxiety-relieving properties
  • May improve cortisol levels
  • May improve mood
  • May reduce feelings of depression
  • Promotes a sense of calmness
  • Stress-reducing properties
  • Supports serotonin levels

Don’t love your product? Contact us within 30 days and we’ll refund your money. The best way to reach us is through email at [email protected].


  • Children 6 – 12: 5 – 10 drops, 2 – 3x per day or as needed
  • Adults 13+: 10 – 20 drops, 2 – 3x per daY


Safe for ages 6+. Safe in pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Shelf Life: 2 years.

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA, and this product is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure anything.


Q: Anxiety Relief has catnip; isn’t that for cats?

A: Catnip isn’t just for cats! That silly reaction is due to a genetic sensitivity to catnip that produces an exciting reaction. In humans, catnip has the complete opposite effect.

Q: Who can safely take Anxiety Relief?

A: Anxiety Relief is safe for anyone over six. It’s also important to note that Anxiety Relief may interact with some prescription medications; talk to your doctor before use.

Q: How often can I take Anxiety Relief?

A: We recommend taking Anxiety Relief at least 2 – 3x per day, but it can be taken as needed. For ages 6 – 12, we recommend 5 – 10 drops per dose. For 13+, we recommend 10 – 20 drops per dose. Anxiety Relief is taken orally and can be mixed into juice, tea, or another beverage for easier consumption.

Q: There is sediment at the bottom of my tincture bottle or discoloration of the dropper; what is it?

A: Since our products are made from herbs, sometimes herbal sediment isn’t completely strained. Chances are, if you notice any sediment at the bottom of the bottle or discoloration at the tip of the dropper, it’s from the herbs. As long as the product hasn’t passed the two-year shelf-life and doesn’t smell rancid, it’s still safe to use.

179 reviews for Anxiety Relief – For Nervousness and Anxious Feelings

  1. Annie (verified owner)

    I seriously love this herbal extract! I was uncertain that it would actually work, but it is just what I need when I feel anxious. Not only does it help with anxiety, but has relieved some headaches I have had too. The only issue for me personally is the alcohol part. It is very important to take it with water to justify the taste, which I do not really taste with water. Otherwise, it will be making you feel like you took a shot, so if you cannot stand the taste, then put it in a smoothie, juice, water etc.

  2. Lindsey Ealey (verified owner)

    Very impressed! My husband has stopped taking a benzodiazepine for his ptsd, anxiety and depression. He thought he would have to to that pharmaceuticals for the rest of his life. Then I found this, anxiety relief tonic. I’ve always believed that everything we need to heal the human condition, comes from the earth. Now I’ve made a believer out of my husband on this, lol. It took about 10 minutes for him to feel relief in his body with this product. I am beyond grateful for this company’s care they put into their products. I am not exaggerating when I say that the anxiety relief is a life saver.

  3. Samantha

    I’ve been taking this with cbd for the past month and I definitely notice a different in my ability to manage stress. I don’t trust pharmaceutical anti anxiety meds, and generally don’t need them, but with all the chaos going on, I haven’t been sleeping as well. I take ashwaganda regularly for the better part of the year and it wasn’t doing the trick. Earthley’s recipe did the trick. I love that it’s vegan. I’m not a fan of the alcohol taste. (I’ve been alcohol free for 8 years), but I do understand the effectiveness in tinctures.

  4. Jennifer Deane (verified owner)

    I have a son who struggles with anxiety. He especially doesn’t like to be the center of attention, so the couple of times he had to perform in a choral concert I gave this to him & he did so well! No nerves that I could tell at all! The last time he had to perform he gave himself a migraine & threw up. I’m so glad there is something natural that can help him!

  5. Kimberly (verified owner)

    My son is not a fan of the taste and refuses to take it.

    • Earthley

      It can be added to a drink to mask the taste!

  6. saramallory12 (verified owner)

    Really helped me postpartum. I usually only take 1 dropper full and it works great! Started working within a few days. Very pleased with this stuff! Would recommend to anyone dealing with any type of stress.

  7. Melissa (verified owner)

    I am obsessed with this company and with their products! I took this for the first time the other day when I was feeling overwhelmed and I was shocked at how quickly it work. I felt almost instantly relaxed. This is going to be my new go to for sure when I’m feeling anxious or overwhelmed.

  8. Jadegetzcena (verified owner)

    I have suffered from anxiety and depression my entire life. After I had my son, it got 10 times worse and I got ptsd.
    This went on for over a year before I found earthley and this anxiety relief tincture. This stuff really really helped me. I make sure to take it daily to help keep the demons away too. I went from wishing to die everyday, to wanting to be here with my family.

  9. Chellie Anne (verified owner)

    I have C-PTSD, I also have Depression and an Anxiety Disorder. I have been dealing with this since I was four years old and now at thirty, it is still ongoing. About a year ago the way I felt on the inside began to manifest on the outside with hot flashes, panic attacks etc. By the end of every day I was ready to “quit.” I started CBD Oil at the beginning of the year and that made a noticeable difference, then a few months later I added Earthley’s Anxiety Relief, Nourish Her Naturally and Natural Balance. This has had a huge impact. I no longer get hot flashes, most of my panic attacks are gone and my mind doesn’t race all over with depressing thoughts as much as it did. I am also more level headed and do not “snap” at people as easily now. I’ll continue taking this.

  10. jenniet9361 (verified owner)

    Anxiety Relief has worked wonders for my postpartum anxiety. I take it every day and notice when I forgot. I’ve also given this to my 7 year old who suffers from anxiety and it helps her immensely!

  11. Shanna Larrison (verified owner)

    This stuff works! My anxiety is so bad sometimes, I’m glad I found this to take the edge off!! The quality of Earthleys products is immediately apparent, and each one I’ve tried has been great!

  12. melizabeth19821 (verified owner)

    Our 5yo son has autism and PANDAS. We got this for him for our airplane trip. It’s really good at taking the edge off. I wasn’t expecting it to cure him, but it was nice to just bring him down a notch.

  13. Kevin (verified owner)

    The last year has been terrible with huge stressors in my life, and my anxiety has been going haywire to the point that I’ve ended up in the ER because it destroyed my adrenals. I started taking this, and I am able to function again. The anxiety doesn’t control my nights and I can actually relax and fall asleep when I take this. It’s amazing!

  14. ruadhan09 (verified owner)

    I take this when I’m feeling very stressed dealing with a toddler and newborn. I have noticed it does help. And I take it before I sleep and it helps me calm my mind and get to sleep faster. My husband also takes it when he’s dealing with a lot of work stress. I’m not a huge fan of the taste, but I just shoot it down with a small amount of water and drink more water after.

  15. Beth K (verified owner)

    I bought this for my husband, who has struggled with anxiety for many years. When he remembers to use it regularly, it makes a huge difference in how he is able to handle his day.

  16. mizblackstone47 (verified owner)

    Full disclosure, I’ve only used this once so far, but I am amazed at how much of a difference it made, as quickly as it did. Circumstances are a little different than usual here, my 2 young children and I are all battling with one of the worst seasonal illnesses we’ve had so far (landing us in the ER and having to get breathing treatments, not fun at all!) And then Mama has the Pre-K boy at home (huge props to you homeschooling Mamas, you’re the real MVP!!!) and between not being able to catch my breath, my 2 babies being too sick to really do anything but too bored to stay still, my nerves have been absolutely shot the last few days (I also work the night shift, and with everything else, sleep doesn’t happen, so I know that adds to the problem!) So this morning, after sitting and shaking and no idea what to do, I remembered I had recently gotten the Anxiety Relief tincture, and it was time to try it out. Placebo effect aside (yes, I feel better when I know I’m about to feel better) within 10 minutes I started to feel my muscles relax and my brain stop racing. I felt an almost immediate sense of relief, and it was so nice to be able to see the end of it. I have dealt with anxiety and depression my entire adult life, and most of my childhood as well, and I can honestly say that this is the first thing I have taken that I actually felt GOOD about taking, that actually relieved my symptoms (oh, and did I mention FASTER than anything I could have gotten from the pharmacy?) I will definitely continue to use this to get relief, I’m glad I found it!!!!!

  17. Jessie (verified owner)

    I wish I could give this 20 stars. When I started taking it I wasn’t sure it would even do much because I’ve never had much luck with any natural remedies and my anxiety. After taking it morning and night for a couple months my anxiety is practically gone. I’m sleeping 7 hours straight which is unheard of for me. It’s really made me realize how bad my anxiety was and that I forgot what it feels like to live without anxiety. So thank you for making this amazing product!

  18. K. (verified owner)

    I was so hesitant about this especially because I went for the big bottle…but really have had the blues and just easily overwhelmed lately…I can totally tell a difference! The days I remember to use this I have snapped out of my funk! Forgot it one day and realized when telling my husband it was such a rough day. It doesn’t taste awesome so I dilute with water or throw it in hot water with a little honey and lemon to start the morning. I’ve noticed I feel on top of things and am more patient with my kids…more productive and happy to make time for play. I end the days proud of what’s done instead and energy to put into dinner instead of half asleep on the couch turning cartoons on for kids. I’m about 5 days in so hopefully not coincidental or placebo effect but after skipping that one day I really don’t think so!

  19. Rachael (verified owner)

    Love this stuff! I feel the results pretty much immediately, and am much calmer and more focused. Will be buying again.

  20. Stacy (verified owner)

    I take this every day and the 3 days that I have missed I absolutely notice a difference. This works excellent! The flavor is not my favorite but with how well it works it is so very worth it. It seems to help keep my anxiety at bay. I take this and magnesium/calcium and am a different person!

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