Adaptogenic Immunity – For Daily Immune Support

122 customer reviews


In the fall and winter months (and sometimes year around!), most people want to help support and help protect their immune systems from all the germs they encounter every day.  We can’t control the world around us…but we can help keep ourselves healthy!

Adaptogenic Immunity is a combination of 5 (certified organic) herbs that may help support a healthy immune system, may help improve the body’s ability to cope with daily stressors, and may help nourish you to help promote total body wellness!  This is an alcohol-free, botanical liquid that’s highly bioavailable and easy to assimilate.

Key herbs:

  • Astragalus Root – may help supports a healthy immune system and may work better with daily use. 
  • Amla Berry – contains vitamin C. 
  • Dandelion Leaf – contains vitamins and minerals; may help support liver health and kidney health.  
  • Holy Basil – may help support healthy hormone balance, may help balance blood sugar, and may help fight oxidative damage.
  • Eleuthero – may help your body adapt and support adrenal and immune health, may improve response to stressors.

For best results, use this tincture daily to help support immune health and overall body wellness!

ABSOLUTELY NO flavors, colors, added sugars, allergens (corn, soy, gluten, dairy, nuts), or any junk!

*Tested for heavy metals by third-party labs to ensure compliance with strict safety standards.*

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In the fall and winter months (and sometimes year around!), most people want to help support and help protect their immune systems from all the germs they encounter every day.  We can’t control the world around us…but we can help keep ourselves healthy!

Adaptogenic Immunity is a combination of 5 (certified organic) herbs that may help support a healthy immune system, may help improve the body’s ability to cope with daily stressors, and may help nourish you to help promote total body wellness!  This is an alcohol-free, botanical liquid that’s highly bioavailable and easy to assimilate.

Key herbs:

  • Astragalus Root – may help supports a healthy immune system and may work better with daily use. 
  • Amla Berry – contains vitamin C. 
  • Dandelion Leaf – contains vitamins and minerals; may help support liver health and kidney health.  
  • Holy Basil – may help support healthy hormone balance, may help balance blood sugar, and may help fight oxidative damage.
  • Eleuthero – may help your body adapt and support adrenal and immune health, may improve response to stressors.

For best results, use this tincture daily to help support immune health and overall body wellness!


Complete Ingredients:

  • Vegetable glycerin* — Extracts and naturally preserves herbal formulas.
  • Filtered water — Free of fluoride, chlorine, and other toxins.
  • Astragalus root* — Supports the immune system, and works better with daily use. 
  • Amla berry* — Rich in vitamin C. 
  • Dandelion leaf* — Rich in vitamins and minerals; supports liver health and kidney health.  
  • Holy basil* — Balances stress hormones, balances blood sugar, and fights oxidative damage.
  • Eleuthero root* — Adaptogenic, supports adrenal and immune health, improves stress response.

*Certified Organic Ingredients


Astragalus Root

Amla Berry

Dandelion Leaf

Holy Basil



Ages 2 – 6: 5 drops daily
Ages 7 – 12: 10 drops daily
Ages 13+: 20 drops daily


Safe for ages 2+.

Safe in pregnancy and breastfeeding.


Q: How is this different from Elderberry Elixir?

A: This tincture does not contain elderberry, elder flower, or echinacea (which can all stimulate the immune system in some individuals).  It’s adaptogenic, meaning it promotes balance in your body.  This approach is nourishing, reduces stress, and helps your immune system function optimally in a gentle way.


Q: When should I use vs. Feel Better Fast?

A: Adaptogenic Immunity is meant to be used daily to keep you healthy.  Feel Better Fast is what to reach for if you aren’t feeling well.  Both are must-haves!


Q: Can I use this and elderberry?

A: Yes, you can!  Especially if you are around people who have respiratory illnesses, using both is a good idea.


Q: Can someone with autoimmune issues use this?

A: Yes.  Because it doesn’t have herbs with stimulating properties, it is safe for most people and situations.


Q: How often should I use this?

A: Daily!  The benefits build up over time, so regular use will best support your health.

122 reviews for Adaptogenic Immunity – For Daily Immune Support

  1. Brittany (verified owner)

    I have been taking this since October of last year. I work at a dental office so I get exposed to a lot of germs and I’ve got two children that do as well. We haven’t had any major illnesses since taking this. Maybe a few sniffles here and there but nothing too crazy. I’m definitely going to be taking this year round. And it tastes great, my two and five-year-old will take this straight up. That is a major Plus!

  2. Alisha Bohnert (verified owner)

    I have been taking this every day since November, and I have not been sick, despite my children bringing home illness.

  3. blkhawkmansfield (verified owner)

    I got this in September. I take when I feel a little sniffle or just feel bad. I havent caught any sickness yet thanks to this.

  4. Bekki Woertink (verified owner)

    I work at an elementary school with kids from 1st-5th grade. Everyday before work I make sure I take a dose of the adaptogenic immunity tincture. So many students and staff and already suffering from allergies and colds and I have been feeling great! It is my first defense against the season of sniffles! I am so thankful for this product and best of all I love the taste!

  5. Jerri Campbell (verified owner)

    This stuff is fabulous! My kiddos AND my hubby all LOVE the taste and it actually works. The past couple of times we have gotten sick, it has shortened the duration significantly. And now we are all taking it preventively too. Thank you!!

  6. Lauren T. (verified owner)

    Okay, first, I love the taste of this one! I recently added this to my immune support rotation. Heading into cold and flu season I’ve already had a few times where I felt like I was getting hit with a nasty cold, so I make sure to take this one and the Elderberry Elixir and I swear it knocks it out completely! I’m very pleased and recommended these products to everyone!

  7. Jennifer Junk (verified owner)

    Added this to the tinctures I take in the winter. It tastes really good and I love all of the immune boosting and stress relieving ingredients that are in it. Thank you for offering such amazing and effective products!

  8. Kristi (verified owner)

    We added this to our daily regime this fall and have only had a few minor sniffles…which is huge improvement from last year!
    Added bonus- my kids like the taste of it

  9. Amber Kennehan (verified owner)

    Love that this is safe for nursing moms! My daughter is breast feeding and was starting to not feel well. I was happy to be able to offer her something that is safe for breastfeeding to help her get better so she can take care of her new baby. This worked well and she was up feeling better in a few hours. She did combine this with feel better faster. She was coming down with a fever and was having back pain along with cold chills and sweats. Thank you Earthly!

  10. Kathryn (verified owner)

    My whole house at a head cold. My toddler and I both used this. She actually is asking for it nightly and I still give her a few drops because I know it is helping. I am convinced this help both of us get rid of our cold and I will continue to give to my 2 year old because she has play dates and kids love to share their germs! I will be getting the bigger bottle. The taste is good and doesn’t sting or anything!

  11. Marissa Witkowski (verified owner)

    We are a resolving door of illnesses in our house due to daycare. When I say this has been a life saver, I mean it! I’ve been taking it and so has my 2 year old son. We’ve seen a huge difference in our immune system fighting the viruses and seems to be that if we do get something it’s been less severe since starting this daily dose. Taste is a big winner here because to me tastes like maple syrup and can be taken directly no problem – my son also agrees!

  12. Ashley Cronin (verified owner)

    Not only is the taste good, the benefits are amazing. Helps me kick the crud before it gets worse.

  13. Hailey.gossage (verified owner)

    Love this for when my girls have gotten sick. I had them take it when I was sick and they never got sick! I also give it to them a week before any major event or holiday to keep their immune function at its best! Greater chance of not getting sick for or at fun things like Halloween and family weddings

  14. Myra (verified owner)

    I tried this during the $5 tincture sale and I’m so glad we had it on hand. The kids got sick right after it arrived. I began giving this to them and they seemed to get over their illness so quickly! This world is constantly throwing junk at us…I feel our immune systems are constantly battling something so I love having an added tincture in our herbal arsenal. I love that it tastes decent, too….helps when the kids are sick and dont feel like eating anything. I will be ordering more!

  15. Isabel (verified owner)

    Loving this tincture! The minute I feel sickness coming on, I start taking it, and it helps conquer the sickness before it sets in! Tastes great, the kids love it, and you don’t have to take a ton to see the benefit!

  16. Samantha DenBleyker (verified owner)

    Another fantastic tincture by Earthley! This tincture has kept me well while many around me get sick so far this fall/winter. And it tastes great which is a bonus for getting my kids to take it.

  17. Morgan (verified owner)

    We bought Adaptogenic Immunity as one of our 5 for $5 tincture options and I’m so glad we did! It’s been a great immune system booster for me as a mom to two toddlers that are always bringing home some various types of germs from preschool! Since mom’s don’t get sick days it’s been very helpful to keep any illness I get mild and short.

  18. Makayla (verified owner)

    Bought this to try I it out since we ran out of our elderberry tincture. The whole family loves it and it helps to keep us healthy. We take the max dose if we feel under the weather. Sometimes we don’t end up getting sick and other times it helps to get us through a sickness faster.

  19. Kelsey (verified owner)

    Tastes amazing! My two year old loves taking it every day

  20. Anna (verified owner)

    I was skeptical however everyone in our home has gotten upper respiratory illness the past few month including the babies who are all over me. I’m the only one taking this and the only one to have dodged getting sick! Plus it’s yummy and easy to take! New staple in my home!

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