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Organic Poppy Seeds

Papaver somniferum

You might need poppy seed if . . . 

  • You could use a natural mild laxative.
  • You would like a digestive soother.
  • You’d like to try a source of natural discomfort relief.
  • You are interested in natural options for sleep aids.
  • You are looking for gentle exfoliation.

Benefits of Poppy Seed

  • Rich in nutrients- Poppy seeds contain calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, and vitamins. They are a great addition to overall health and wellness practices.
  • Reduces inflammation- The oil extracted from the poppy seeds has been used in traditional medicine for its anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Skin health—Topically, poppy seed can help with skin issues. Its fatty acids can nourish and moisturize the skin, and its antioxidants may help protect it from damage. It can also be used to exfoliate the skin.
  • Cough relief—In some traditional medicinal practices, poppy seeds are used in home remedies for coughs and respiratory issues. They are said to help soothe throat irritation and coughs.

Common ways to use Poppy seed

The main use for poppy seeds is in the culinary world, where they are baked in various desserts like breads, cookies, or muffins. They are also often used in seasoning blends, especially in Middle Eastern food. Other ways to use them would be soaps, scrubs, tea, pastes/poultices, smoothies, and granola.

Growing and Foraging Information 

 It is possible to grow your own poppy seeds, they are the seeds from a flower. Legal issues may occur in some states- check with your local laws. This is an issue because opium poppy is highly regulated for cultivation due to its role as an opiate. There are a few varieties of poppy you can try to grow- the flowers are beautiful!

Safety Concerns 

Safety concerns are mild but include the fact that ingesting large amounts of them can look like drugs in your system. Allergies to poppy are possible. It is best to use poppy from reputable sources.

Drug Interaction: If you have any health concerns or are taking any prescription medication, please consult with your healthcare provider before adding new herbs to your diet. Poppy has no known issues with drug interactions unless you eat a ton.

Breastfeeding and Pregnancy: There are no known contraindications to breastfeeding and pregnancy. They are, in fact, very safe, nutritious, and recommended.

Other Concerns:   Trace amounts of opioids are possible when poppy seeds become a regular part of your diet.

Select Studies about Poppy Seeds

Studies on Sensory and Phytochemical Characteristics of Poppy (Papaver somniferum L.) Varieties for Their Oil Utilisation

Poppy Seed Tea: A Short Review and Case Study

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