Organic Jojoba Oil

Simmondsia chinensis

Have you ever battled with dry, flaky skin and longed for a natural elixir that could restore your skin's youthful glow? Are you frustrated with hair products that promise shine and strength but leave your locks greasy and weighed down? Have you searched endlessly for a miracle product that can effortlessly balance oily skin while providing deep hydration and healing properties?

You might need Jojoba Seed Oil if you have. . .

  • Dry or acne-prone skin
  • Dry, brittle hair or flaky scalp
  • Irritated skin
  • Cuticles that are dry and prone to cracking

Benefits of Jojoba Seed Oil

Moisturizing: Jojoba oil is an excellent moisturizer for both skin and hair, providing long-lasting hydration without clogging pores or leaving greasy residue.

Balancing Oil Production: It helps regulate sebum production, making it beneficial for both oily and acne-prone skin by mimicking the skin’s natural oils.

Anti-Inflammatory: Jojoba oil has anti-inflammatory properties that can soothe irritated skin and reduce redness.

Antimicrobial: Its antimicrobial properties help prevent bacterial growth, which can reduce breakouts and skin infections.

Rich in Nutrients: Jojoba oil contains essential vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin E, B-complex vitamins, and zinc, which nourish and protect the skin and hair.

Anti-Aging: It has antioxidant properties that help fight free radicals, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and promoting a youthful complexion.

Non-Comedogenic: Jojoba oil does not clog pores, making it suitable for all skin types, including sensitive and acne-prone skin.

Common ways to use Jojoba Seed Oil

Moisturizing Oil: Apply a few drops of jojoba oil directly to your face, lips, body, or use as an aftershave to hydrate and balance your skin.

Hair Conditioning: Apply jojoba oil to your scalp and hair as a conditioning treatment to nourish and strengthen hair, reduce dandruff, and add shine.

Makeup Remover: Use jojoba oil on a cotton pad to gently remove makeup, including stubborn eye makeup, without irritating the skin.

Cuticle Oil: Massage a small amount of jojoba oil into your cuticles and nails to keep them hydrated and promote healthy nail growth.

Massage Oil: Combine jojoba oil with essential oils for a soothing and hydrating massage blend that benefits the skin and provides relaxation.

Carrier Oil: Mix jojoba oil with essential oils to dilute them for safe application on the skin, enhancing the therapeutic benefits of the essential oils.

Bath Additive: Add a few drops of jojoba oil to your bathwater for an all-over body moisturizer that helps soften the skin.

Growing and Foraging Information

Foraging jojoba seed oil is obviously tricky for most people, but growing and harvesting your own may be something possible if you live in the right areas. Jojoba seed oil comes from the seeds of the jojoba plant, which is a shrub native to the southwestern United States and northern Mexico. The plant thrives in desert climates and produces seeds rich in a liquid wax, commonly called jojoba oil, extracted through cold pressing. This oil is prized because of its stability, versatility, and similarity to the natural oils produced by human skin.

It can easily be ordered online or in health stores. Some seed oils are not recommended because they have a higher likelihood of causing skin reactions or irritation due to their composition or processing methods (heat), jojoba oil stands out for its unique properties that make it safe and beneficial for skincare use.

Safety Concerns

Jojoba seed oil has been used for thousands of years and is known for being safe and gentle topically. It is meant to be used externally though. Internally, it can cause stomach upset.

Drug Interaction: If you are taking any prescription medications or have any health concerns, it is important to always consult with the prescriber before adding any herbs to your diet.

Breastfeeding and Pregnancy: There are no known contraindications for breastfeeding and pregnancy.

Other Concerns: Avoid using near and in eyes.

Select Studies About Jojoba Seed Oil

Anti-Inflammatory and Skin Barrier Repair Effects of Topical Application of Some Plant Oils

In this study, they researched how oils such as jojoba seed oil can help protect and support skin. The study explains that jojoba seed oil is not only good for keeping skin hydrated, but can also help other skincare ingredients sink in better. Because jojoba oil is rich in wax esters, it's particularly helpful for skin issues. Plus, it has anti-inflammatory properties that can benefit various skin conditions and even help with wound healing.

Bioactivities of Jojoba Oil Beyond Skincare

This review dives deep into everything about jojoba oil, from what it's made of to how it's used in medicine. Instead of the usual triglycerides, jojoba oil is made up of long monounsaturated esters. It's not just a hit in beauty and skincare today; it's been used in folk medicine for ages to help with all sorts of things like skin problems, wounds, and even obesity! Modern science backs up its benefits, showing that it has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial powers.

Topical application of jojoba (Simmondsia chinensis L.) wax enhances the synthesis of pro-collagen III and hyaluronic acid and reduces inflammation in the ex-vivo human skin organ culture model

This study investigates the potential cosmetic benefits of jojoba seed oil, focusing on its anti-inflammatory properties and impact on skin health. Through ex-vivo experiments using human skin organ culture models, it was found that topical application of jojoba seed oil reduces secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines and enhances the synthesis of key extracellular components like pro-collagen and hyaluronic acid. These findings suggest that jojoba seed oil has promising applications in skincare, particularly for reducing inflammation and addressing age-related skin concerns.

How Earthley Uses Jojoba Seed Oil

3-in-1 Soap

Tame the Beard Oil

Calendula-Rose Body Oil

Exfoliating Cleanser

Silky Smooth Leave-In Conditioner for Thick/Dry Hair

This conditioner nourishes and draws moisture to your hair to keep it frizz-free. It has detangling effects hailed by many – especially those with curly/coarse hair! For those with thick or dry hair that needs extra moisture we use infused herbs (rosemary leaf, lavender buds, and marshmallow root) and rich, nourishing jojoba oil. Tame the frizzy tangles and feel the softness with this leave-in spray conditioner!

Check out these reviews:

“THE BEST! I use this more so as a detangling spray and love it so much. It does not take much to loosen up my pretty gnarly postpartum hair tangles. It also smells better than most detanglers I’ve used in the past. I love that there are two options to meet all hair-type needs!”

“This conditioner is incredible! The ingredients are the best and it really works so well. My daughter has very tangly hair, so we use this after the shower, and it helps with brushing with ease. After using up the bottle we went back to an older one we had from a different brand and it just didn’t compare. This is definitely something we will continue to use.”

“I was skeptical about this but I’m shocked how much I love it after using it for a month or so. I use this with the rosemary lavender shampoo bar a couple times a week. It doesn’t smell great when you open the bottle and smell it, but when I spray it on my hair and smell my hair it smells good, if that makes sense! It doesn’t leave a bad alcohol-like smell on the hair. It leaves no residue, doesn’t leave my hair oily at all. My hair feels soft and healthy and shiny! This is the first natural conditioner I’ve tried and I’m pleasantly surprised.”

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