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Organic Glycerin


You might need Glycerin if you . . .

  • Have dry skin
  • Have skin irritation that is healing slowly
  • Want to make an herbal preparation last longer

Benefits of Glycerin

  • Pulls water into the outer layers of the skin from the air and inner layers (humectant)
  • Improves skin barrier functions
  • Provides a protecting layer for skin
  • Speeds up wound healing
  • Extracts and naturally preserves herbal formulas

Common ways to use Glycerin

  • Skincare products
  • Soap
  • Herbal formulas

How is glycerin made?

Glycerin is a natural compound derived from animal fats and vegetable oils. It is a clear, odorless, and colorless compound.

Vegetable glycerin is made from heating up triglycerides-rich vegetable fats. These could include palm, soy, and coconut oils. Heating will cause the glycerin to pull away from the fatty acids and mixes with water. This mix becomes an odorless syrup-like texture.

Animal-based glycerin is made from tallow. Tallow is beef fat that has been rendered down several times, and the water and impurities get removed between each render. Once the tallow is made, it is then combined with water and heated to a thick consistency over medium to low heat. This removes even more impurities. It is then hardened in the refrigerator.

Typically, if you read glycerin on a label, they will mean vegetable glycerin, because it is the most affordable.

Glycerin soaps do have lye added to them in the soap/soap base making process.

Safety Concerns

There are no known concerns with properly diluted glycerin. However, be aware of allergies, including to the source of the glycerin. For example, if you have a soy allergy, it is best to avoid glycerin derived from soy.

Drug Interaction: If you have any health concerns or are taking any prescription medication, please consult with your health care provider before adding new foods or herbs to your diet.

Breastfeeding and Pregnancy: There are no known contraindications for breastfeeding and pregnancy.

Select Study About Glycerin

Moisture retention of glycerin solutions with various concentrations: a comparative study - PubMed (

Glycerin moisture retention helps to keep the top layer of the skin hydrated. This is why it is used and studied by cosmetics companies.

How Earthley Uses Glycerin

Soothing Skin Balm

Soothing Skin Balm is made with 100% natural and pure ingredients to effectively soothe dry and flaky skin and helps to provide relief from symptoms of a variety of conditions.

Check out these reviews:

"This is the best balm for eczema! It leaves my baby’s skis smooth for longer, I don’t have to apply it so often, and it calms his flares. "

"I have bad eczema on my hands in the cold winters to the point where my hands crack and bleed, and I was on prescription cortisone heavy duty cream. It helped but I started wanting a more natural approach since I’m not supposed to use that steroid cream when pregnant. I purchased this after reading reviews and WOW! I’ve had less flare ups even using this cream and when I used it my hand felt so soft, not greasy. It dried quickly and you really don’t need much. I mostly only use this in the winter and purchased a 2oz tin and 3 winters later i still have tons left! I will be using this product now to treat my excema for the rest of my life! I am so happy I found and tried this product. It 100% worked better than any prescription cream!"

Nourish Me Naturally – Liquid Herbal Vitamins & Minerals

The nutritional value provided by our herbal multivitamin is naturally bioavailable in whole plant form. This means you reap the benefits of the vitamins and minerals provided by the herbs we use, and you are also reaping the benefits of the other constituents of the herbs!

Check out these reviews:

"I love taking this (me and my 5 year olds)! I don’t know if we technically *feel* any different while taking it, but I love feeling confident in the safety of the products I’m using and I always trust Earthley with supplements for me and my kids. We all love the taste! "

"Our favorite! We never ever rarely ever get sick when taking this and it tastes just like tea to me when added to water!"

Other Earthley products made with glycerin:


Thyroid Support

Nourish Her Naturally

Nourish Him Naturally

Vaccine Detox

Liver Love


Ease the Ache


Energy Plus

Elderberry Elixir

Feel Better Fast

Teeth Tamer

Sinus Saver

Sleepy Time

Pain Potion

Infant Tummy Relief

Anxiety Relief

Calm and Clarity

Herbal Throat Spray


Mama’s Tummy Relief

Healthy Heart

Metabolism Support

Some of our products using this ingredient