Cod Liver Oil


Cod liver oil comes from the liver of cod. The best place to get them is in the Arctic Circle. Cod liver oil is popular because of its omega-3 fatty acids. With these amazing fatty acids and high vitamin content, cod liver oil may support heart, brain, immune, liver, and bone health.

You might need Cod Liver Oil if . . .

  • You want a healthier immune system
  • You have a family history of heart conditions
  • You struggle to regulate your blood sugar
  • You have stiff and painful joints
  • You are a growing child
  • You are experiencing mental fatigue or other mental symptoms

Benefits of Cod Liver Oil

  • It is high in vitamin D and omegas, which help support immune health.
  • It may support heart health with its EPA and DHA fatty acids.
  • It can help to improve glucose and insulin levels.
  • It has anti-inflammatory effects, which can help with general inflammation, improve mobility, and support joint health.
  • It supports healthy developmental and physical growth with omega-3s, DHA, and EPA levels.
  • Vitamin D and omegas support healthy brain function.

Common ways to use Cod Liver Oil

  • Liquid supplement
  • Capsule
  • Lotions
  • Other skincare products

How Cod Liver Oil is Harvested

The quality and location of harvesting are especially important. The cod can be farm-raised or wild-caught. You should ensure the manufacturer is transparent about water quality if it is farm-raised. Even though you can get it farmed, it is best to get it wild-caught from the Arctic Circle. Be sure that it is also pure virgin cod oil for the best quality.

When the cod is harvested, the livers are separated from the rest and ground into a slurry with water. It then sits, and the oil rises to the top and then separates. You can get cod liver oil cold or hot processed. You want a high-quality cod that has been cold-processed. If not, the liver oil can become rancid and lose vitamins and minerals. You can also find fermented cod liver oil. However, in this case, fermented just means it's rancid or putrefied.

Safety Concerns

Drug Interaction: If you have any health concerns or are taking any prescription medication, please consult with your healthcare provider before adding new supplements to your diet.

Breastfeeding and Pregnancy: There are no known contraindications for breastfeeding and pregnancy.

Select Studies About Cod Liver Oil

Cod Liver and Depression

Cod liver oil has many benefits for mental health. This study examines its effects on depression. The study concluded that cod liver oil does relieve some symptoms of depression.

The Anticancer Effects of Vitamin D and Omega-3 PUFAs in Combination Via Cod-liver Oil

This study examines cod liver oil by studying how vitamin D and omega 3s in tandem affect cancer. Cod liver oil is one of very few natural sources that contains both nutrients.

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