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Organic Whole Cloves

Syzygium aromaticum

You might need clove if you . . .

  • Have tooth discomfort
  • Have a teething infant
  • Have an upset stomach
  • Have fungal issues
  • Feel sluggish

Benefits of Clove

  • Soothes various tooth discomforts
  • Supports digestive health
  • Antifungal properties
  • Supports liver health
  • Antibacterial properties
  • Anti-inflammatory properties

Common ways to use Clove

Cloves are used whole or ground. They can also be found in tinctures and teas and used as seasoning in food.

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Safety Concerns

Drug Interaction: If you have any health concerns or are taking any prescription medication, please consult with your healthcare provider before adding new herbs to your diet.

Breastfeeding and Pregnancy: There are no known contraindications for breastfeeding and pregnancy.

Select Studies About Clove

The effect of clove and benzocaine versus placebo as topical anesthetics - PubMed (nih.gov)

This double-blind study examined the benefits of Clove vs. benzocaine vs. a placebo. Both clove and benzocaine showed higher pain relief.

Antimicrobial Activities of Clove and Thyme Extracts - PMC (nih.gov)

This study looked at the antimicrobial effects of thyme and clove. It was found that both oils had an antimicrobial impact when it came to all the yeast and bacteria that were tested.

Some of our products using this ingredient