Earthologists Terms of Use


Earthley requires that all participants be familiar with our products and have personally tried our most popular options, including Good Night Lotion, Nourish Me Naturally, All-Purpose Salve, and Mineral Deodorant Deodorant. People who are familiar with the products will be the most effective salespeople. We offer a kit of these items for a small fee to new participants. The kit is optional for those who are already Earthley customers.

As new products are released, active participants will be able to try them for a discounted price or for free.


Active participation is required to be eligible for bonuses and benefits. “Active participation” is defined as having at least $50 in sales per quarter beyond your own personal-use products (i.e. purchases you make for yourself are not eligible).

Failing to meet the definition of “active participation” for two months in a row results in losing eligibility for bonuses, no longer receiving a discount on personal-use products, and removal of any other benefits.

As an active affiliate you agree to subscribing to weekly Earthologist newsletters. These keep you updated on what's new, sales that are coming up, and more.


All sales must be made through your designated link. We are unable to track sales that were made otherwise, and no sales will be adjusted or credited to you without your affiliate link.

The only exceptions are when you purchase discounted product ahead of time for sales at physical locations.

You may purchase products for yourself through your affiliate link, but products for personal use don’t count towards your $50 minimum for active participation.


Every affiliate will be paid on the 16th of the month following that in which the sales took place. i.e. January sales (from Jan. 1 – 31) would be paid on February 16. This allows time for returns, cancellations, and other potential problems to be resolved. Actual earned commissions will be paid; if orders are canceled, commission will not be paid on those orders.

Commissions earned are based on the sales level participants have achieved, and are spelled out in the separate compensation plan.

No other compensation is paid and no compensation is guaranteed.


Marketing training will be provided via video and email to all participants. Training will be provided by a team member at Earthley. Training will include, but not be limited to:

  • Creating graphics
  • Selling without “selling”
  • How to tap into your audience and expand your reach
  • …and more

Your marketing efforts will be supported by our team. We will answer all questions within 24 hours or one business day whenever possible. We will be available via our Facebook group, email, private chat, or phone for help.


All marketing materials will be provided to you, including graphics, online sales fliers, details of current promotions, etc.

Participants are allowed to create their own marketing materials, as long as:

  • No explicit/offensive images are used
  • Participant owns the copyright of the image(s) or has permission to use them commercially
  • Earthley branding is clearly displayed in the image
  • No forbidden language is used in the material

Participants may not obscure Earthley branding or omit it in any way, or lead potential customers to believe it is a self-branded product instead of part of Earthley’s catalogue.

If there are questions about the use of marketing materials, ask. Earthley reserves the right to ask any participant to edit, update, or remove any image or marketing material which violates these guidelines. Earthley further reserves the right to remove any participant from the program who repeatedly violates these guidelines.


Because Earthley is a health and wellness company, we are potentially subject to FDA scrutiny for violating certain guidelines. As such, our participants also are bound by the same guidelines.

Participants may never claim that an Earthley employee diagnosed a health condition or prescribed any specific product as a treatment. They also may not claim that they are able to diagnose health conditions or prescribe Earthley products as treatments, unless they are licensed health practitioners (i.e. MD, DO, DC, etc.).

If potential customers approach you and ask questions about which products to use, you may not name any product as being beneficial to any condition, or suggest to them that they may have a particular condition or disease, as this could be construed as “diagnosing” or “prescribing.”

Participants must stick to “structure/function” claims when discussing the products.

i.e. “This product promotes restful sleep” is allowed, but “This product cures insomnia” is not.

It is okay to discuss temporary/short-term symptoms, but not disease states.

i.e. “This product can relieve minor stomachaches” is allowed, but “This product cures norovirus” is not.

You may discuss your personal experience with a product, as long as you are clear that it was your personal experience and that you are not suggesting that the product can or will cure any disease state.

i.e. “I used this product and it helped ease my cough” is allowed, but “This product cures croup, we tried it” is not.

If you have any questions about language and appropriate claims, please ask Earthley staff.

If any ad, post, language, etc. is brought to our attention that violates this language, we will request that it be removed or amended immediately. Repeat violations of this language rule will result in being removed as a participant.

As an affiliate of Earthley, you agree to abide by the following terms of engagement:

  • Be respectful of Earthley staff and fellow Earthologists. Do not use abusive, offensive, or discriminatory language or behavior towards anyone associated with Earthley. Treat others with kindness and professionalism.
  • Do not talk badly about Earthley or its products. You can share your honest feedback and personal experiences with Earthley products, but you cannot make false, misleading, or derogatory statements about them. If you have any issues or concerns with Earthley products, please contact us directly, and we will try to resolve them.
  • Do not troll or attack individuals or other companies. You are not allowed to harass, bully, or threaten anyone online or offline. You are also not allowed to disparage or defame other companies or their products, even if they are competitors of Earthley. You should focus on promoting the benefits and features of Earthley products, not on criticizing others.
  • Do not bash or badmouth other companies to promote Earthley as an alternative. You are not allowed to use negative or unfair comparisons between Earthley products and other products. You should highlight the unique and positive aspects of Earthley products, not the flaws or weaknesses of other products.
  • Do not attack other Earthologists in an attempt to steal sales. You are not allowed to interfere with or sabotage the sales or promotions of other Earthologists. You should respect the efforts and achievements of other Earthologists and cooperate with them to grow the Earthley community.
  • Do not promote Earthley in other Earthologists’ groups or in groups that disallow affiliate sales. You are not allowed to spam or solicit sales in groups that are not related to Earthley or that have rules against affiliate marketing. You should only promote Earthley in groups that are relevant and appropriate for your target audience and that allow affiliate sales.