DIY: Hormone Balancing Tea

Written by Kate Tietje
After my third baby was born, I didn’t really take care of myself that well. Part of it was just the situation we were in — three small, dependent children and a husband in the depths of a serious detox — and part of it was this strange idea that I needed to jump back into things immediately. I hadn’t prepared enough in advance and didn’t know how to explain to people what I needed or how to help me.
When I found out I was pregnant with my fourth baby, I decided to be a little more “selfish.” I decided to take more time to rest, sit around, and let others take care of me. When else in my life can I do that?! And when else do I really need to? I spent my days reclining in bed or on the couch in the early weeks, snuggling my new baby, napping when I wanted to, and doing just the fun parts with the older kids (talking, reading books, snuggling). I’ll let others deal with the fighting, cooking, and cleaning!
I also wanted to take care of myself physically. I want to recover well and without any deficiencies. I now know that part of the reason my third pregnancy and recovery were harder was that I was magnesium deficient. I tried to eat nutrient-dense foods, but with the stress of pregnancy and birth, plus dealing with my husband’s detox, it was just not enough. Of course, the situation was different during my fourth pregnancy — my husband was mostly past the detox phase (but still working on yeast, but he was much stronger) and able to help more. I also had more friends who came and helped me.
Regarding the nourishment, though, I already had my pre-baby cooking plan. I wanted to have many nutrient-dense foods around to snack on whenever needed. But I also wanted to take extra measures to help re-balance my hormones and nourish my body.
This tea is not just for postpartum. This could help any woman hoping to balance her hormones and nourish her body. It would be great for pre-conception and even late pregnancy. The chosen herbs help female hormones and provide women with many vitamins and minerals. I’ll be making up a huge batch of the dry herbs and storing them in a jar with instructions on brewing the tea. I’ll have someone brew me 2 to 4 cups daily in the early weeks to help me heal.
About the Herbs
I chose red raspberry leaf because it is known to tone the uterus and smooth muscles in the body, as well as helping to balance hormones. It also can increase fertility (although that’s not why I’m using it!) and reduce the risk of hemorrhage or excess bleeding during birth. It helps the uterus return to its usual size. It also contains calcium, phosphorus, potassium, some B vitamins, and vitamin C.
I chose nettle because it is an incredibly nourishing and soothing herb. It is anti-inflammatory and contains calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, vitamins B and C. It can also slow excessive bleeding.
I chose spearmint partially because I like the taste and because it’s rich in B-complex (especially folate). It also contains calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, copper, and manganese. Too much mint can reduce your milk supply, so if you are sensitive to this, you should omit it from the tea. (If you are using this tea for fertility or general hormone balancing and are not breastfeeding, you don’t need to worry about this.)
I chose alfalfa primarily for its vitamin K content, which can reduce bleeding. It also contains calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, and manganese. It can help stimulate appetite (and as I tend to skip meals, this is good!) and fight bad bacteria. It is anti-inflammatory and can boost milk supply.
That is why I drank this tea daily, although I believe it is good for most women! A quick note, though: women with lupus or blood-clotting disorders should not use alfalfa, which can cause excessive clotting.
Hormone-Balancing Tea
- 2 parts red raspberry leaf
- 2 parts nettle
- 1 part spearmint
- ½ part alfalfa
Note about ingredients: These should all be done by weight. So, for example, you might mix 2 ounces red raspberry, 2 ounces nettle, 1 ounce spearmint, and 1/2 ounce alfalfa. Simply combine them in a glass jar or plastic bag, shake to combine, and set aside.
- Scoop about a 1/3 – 1/2 cup into a quart mason jar to brew.
- Add boiling filtered water to cover.
- Put the lid on, make sure all the herbs are saturated, and let it steep for 30 minutes.
- Strain and sweeten lightly if desired. Drink within 24 hours.