DIY Anti-Inflammatory Syrup
In 2014 I noticed a very odd-looking rash on my 4-year-old son’s legs, which he was scratching. I asked him what it was — he didn’t know.
While I frantically began googling this strange rash, wondering about all the various (possibly bad) things that it could be, he went upstairs to show my husband. My husband recognized it immediately and told me — “It’s poison ivy!”
Not at all dangerous, not contagious, but very itchy and annoying for a few days. My husband is very allergic to poison ivy, and it seems our oldest son is, as well. Twice this summer he’s gotten it, and the second time his face swelled up. Both times he was extremely itchy and he had trouble sleeping the first night.
I quickly got smart though, and I mixed up this very simple, versatile anti-inflammatory syrup. Using this, plus some bentonite clay paste on the rash meant he could sleep for 4 – 5 hours without itching. Score for him, and for me! (Because guess who was going to be up with him when he couldn’t sleep?) The poison ivy also healed within just a few days. That was so awesome!
The thing is, it’s not just for poison ivy. It’s really for sort of inflammation. Anything that can cause redness, swelling, or illness. So it could be used for:
- Colds
- Coughs
- Sinus infections
- General pain
- Headaches
- Allergies
- etc.
Seriously awesome stuff. And it tastes great, so kids like it. Mine even ask for it when they aren’t feeling right.
There are a few ‘optional’ ingredients, too, which you can add depending on your specific symptoms and adjust for kids vs. adults. Here it is!